Cosmic Calling: 1st-7th May




Destiny is at play, when the month of May kicks off with the second eclipse of 2023. Eclipses are cosmic phenomena that have long been known as game-changers, powerful portals for transformation, & fated wild cards that can shape our lives in unexpected ways. 

As we enter May, we are still in the midst of the infamous Mercury Retrograde that began on April 21 and will continue until May 14. It’s important not to seek closure during this planetary haze & emotional rollercoaster. 

Instead, embrace the mystery and allow yourself to be surprised. The themes of this backward motion are about innovating outdated ideas and adapting them to the exciting new age of Aquarius, AI, and all things possible. 

Midweek, Venus & Jupiter will be at play, encouraging us to use our flexibility and creativity to make bold moves. Neptune will also join in the dance, elevating our imagination to new heights. However, we must remain grounded and not get lost in illusions when taking care of our everyday responsibilities. 

Last month’s solar eclipse in Aries ignited our inner fire to take a bold step towards dramatic new beginnings. This warrior energy is still present, urging us to be fearless and pursue our dreams. Eclipses have the power to accelerate events, making it feel like a multi- episode television series condensed into a blockbuster. This week’s lunar eclipse on May 5 in the water sign Scorpio is a game-changer, bringing phoenix-like transformation and generational breakthroughs in society, and personal development, providing an opportunity to heal trauma and develop our psyche in new ways. Many things will happen behind the scenes and may only be revealed later. Expect the unexpected during this groundbreaking eclipse, as shocker Uranus opposes it. 

We have all experienced toxic behaviour in some form and must urgently let go of old values and beliefs to transform ourselves and create from a fresh, firmer base. 

Eclipses can have a lasting impact, and we may feel their effects for up to three months before and after, or even up to six months to a year, until all the changes fully manifest. Pay attention to the people who suddenly enter or exit your life during this time. Who gets eclipsed out? 

We won’t fully grasp the exact news and happenings of the eclipse just yet. However, as Mercury turns direct on May 14 and reaches the critical degree of the eclipse on May 22, more news will likely emerge. 

Finally, we wrap up this eventful week with love planet Venus moving into the waters of Cancer. Allow yourself to feel all the feels and act authentically from the heart. Venus will be aligning with Mars, bringing harmony between our wants & needs, creating a sweet transit for love & romance. 




April has kickstarted quite the fireworks transformation for you. Your drive has been unmatched, and you were ready for new adventures. Out with the old in with the new. As the first week of May begins, it’s crucial to keep a close eye on your finances, especially with Mercury retrograde in your 2nd house of income. Use this time to reflect on the energy of money & your self-worth. Evaluate how you can maximize your brilliant ideas in this exciting new era we are lucky to be living in. Want to get yourself another source of passive income? Stay tuned to current & upcoming trends to take full advantage of all opportunities that arise on the horizon, especially in the AI world. As the weekend approaches, a text from your crush could make you feel like a teenager again. The universe roars — go for it! On Sunday, shift your focus to creating a solid foundation within your personal space & nurturing your inner world. This is the perfect time to re-establish lasting roots & cultivate a sense of stability in an unpredictable world. 


At the beginning of the week, you will have a creative epiphany that will flood you with brilliant ideas. Write them all down and use them to your advantage. This cosmic download will inspire you to take action and move forward in exciting ways. Remember to trust yourself & your intuition. Mercury retrograde is currently in your sign, making you dizzy & causing you to be all over the place. You may pop into everyone’s mind, but this is just a little reminder that you are awesome & being missed. If you feel like you are going insane, you are actually not. Get creative & tap into your brilliant mind. The lunar eclipse in your opposite sign, Scorpio will highlight partnerships. You may experience a relationship climax, whether in business or love. Expect a topic concerning your money and possessions to come up. Be cautious doing business with friends. Rebel Uranus is making you fearless, giving you the courage to finally break free & take risks. Don’t be afraid to embrace change. 


With Mercury retrograde in your 12th house, it’s time to dream, meditate, & decode messages from your subconscious. Accept that you may not have all the answers yet and let yourself go with the flow. This is a time to go deeper and explore your inner world. In your work or health routine, a matter may be highlighted, and a co-worker may be eclipsed out, changing or upgrading your income or career position. Watch for what surfaces from your subconscious & inspect any unhealed trauma. Release it to free yourself and finally move forward. Don’t hold yourself back from opportunities because of a silly lack of focus. Stay open to new experiences & trust that things will fall into place. This is a time for inner reflection & growth. Trust in the journey and have faith in yourself. 


The upcoming Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio will have a powerful impact on your creativity & self-expression. Your creative talents will be in the spotlight, & a passion project you have been working on may receive recognition & praise. This is a time to pursue your passions & take risks, as you may experience a breakthrough that transforms you into your most powerful self, yet. Eclipses, or moons on steroids, as some may call them, are always highly intense & life-changing for Cancer placements, especially when they occur in fellow water sign Scorpio. A romantic connection could be reaching a climax now, so take your pleasure seriously. An ex-flame from the past may be the one igniting the fireworks. Be careful not to get burned, but then again, why not wear your heart on your sleeve if you really want to live in the moment? You can cry about it later, tears of sorrow or tears of joy – you choose! 


The first week of May is a turning point for you as the spotlight shines brightly on your career. You have the chance to make groundbreaking moves, so don’t hesitate to surprise people with your innovative ideas. Injecting some joy & pleasure into your work can also keep things exciting. Regarding your love life, if you are single, you may find yourself dating someone unique and intriguing, making you the center of attention. However, you may also face a decision between your home & career as both are highlighted during this time. The transformative power of Pluto opposing the Sun can bring about significant changes in your personal life. You may attract powerful partnerships that border on obsession or experience transformations that affect your very foundations. It’s crucial to embrace these changes and trust that the universe has a plan for you. 


You may now meet people that will shift your life into a unique perspective of possibilities. With Mercury retrograde in your exotic 9th house of travel & exploration, you may find yourself revisiting places or reconnecting with people and lovers from other lands. It’s time to explore the globe and explore cities & places you have visited before. There is always something new to discover. Be prepared for travel delays or transportation mishaps. You may experience a peak transformation in your education, deciding to acquire a new powerful skill. A career opportunity in global media publishing may arise, but exercise caution when choosing business partners. If you have a sibling, they could reach a new milestone now. Make sure to celebrate & honour your friends from Sunday on. 


Step into your financial power as the cosmos pushes you to re-explore your relationship with money, including how much you make and can receive from others. Jupiter is still bringing opportunities for positive and fruitful partnerships in your life. You may focus on travel and spiritual growth following an epiphany that illuminates things in a new light. Although you may experience a financial high, be prepared for an old income source to shut down, with a new one opening up in late May. Don’t worry, as things will work out for the better. Later in the week, your attention will shift towards your career & finding innovative ways to make money. Keep your eyes & ears open for new opportunities that come your way. 


It’s about to get intense. May kicks off with the second supercharged eclipse in your sign, my dear Scorpios. The spotlight is on you, pushing you to make power moves to create global success. You may experience a transformational relationship with someone unconventional that impacts both your public & private lives. Mars is pushing you to broaden your horizons & gain a new perspective while Pluto transforms your home, roots, & family life. You may be faced with personal & relationship goals that require you to reassess your path & decide whether to continue or move on. While Mercury retrograde may create confusion & blurred lines in your relationships, it is important not to act too hastily. Instead, go with the flow and wait until after the 14th to take serious action. Single Scorpios may find themselves in a powerful dynamic in either business or love. Remember that where there is an end, there is also a new beginning. 


Combine your lust for life with a solid routine this week to take full advantage of the heightened fun, joy, romance, sex, pleasure, & creativity in the air. While you may feel infatuated & excited in your relationships, take the time to explore different options & possibilities before making any major commitments. Unexpected encounters with past lovers are possible, so be prepared. The upcoming lunar eclipse in Scorpio promises to bring super potent subconscious insights that can help transform you in incredible ways, unleashing hidden powers & talents that will help you become the best version of yourself, yet. Use this energy to make meaningful changes in your life & daily routines, & prepare for some steamy moments ahead. 



The mighty lunar eclipse may bring about a transformation or end of a friendship, or you may find that you have simply grown apart from someone. A climax regarding a group project may also be highlighted, & you may need to consider whether your club can continue to exist without adapting to the new futuristic culture. It’s essential to think outside the box & let go of any criticism holding you back. A few days after the extremely emotional lunar eclipse, love planet Venus will move into your opposite sign & ring the charm alarm. With Venus & Mars dancing in your partnership sector, love is written in the stars. A karmic cycle may play out in your relationships, & you may feel a strong desire to reconcile past misunderstandings or unfinished creative projects. Additionally, you may be thinking about starting a family or embarking on a creative project with the help of a partner. On the romantic front, an old flame may reemerge, bringing refreshing energy. You may also feel a sense of creative freedom & a strong desire to create from the heart. 


The first week of May could be a turning point for your reputation. Pluto, the master transformer from the underworld, is currently in your 1st house of self & identity, making you feel a strong desire for personal transformation & growth. #PhoenixRising. You may be experiencing a sense of rebirth, shedding old parts of yourself & emerging stronger and more empowered than ever before. With the lunar eclipse in the most public place on your chart, you may be faced with important decisions regarding your identity & how you show up in the world. There’s no better time for publicity & fame, but be aware that the more important you become, the more people could be envious of you. Watch who you trust and keep walking your unique path. Being different is special on this planet. You may also experience a shift in your relationships as you become more confident in who you are & what you stand for. Trust your intuition as you navigate these changes. 


Transcend into the blind spot. That is where you’ll find magic this week. Money & self- worth are still big themes in your life, but don’t let material concerns overshadow the beauty & richness of life itself. You may have made more than usual, but you may have also spent more than usual. Living life to the fullest is what matters. Saturn could be making you bitter, but only if you feel like you need a change. Don’t expect overnight success. Saturn may not always be fun, but it’s a great wake-up planet to remind us not to act from a delusional place when we are pursuing our goals. This eclipse may highlight your self-sabotaging behaviours. How can your views and & perspectives remain grand but realistic? A journey could now give you insight & help you reset your inner compass. Realignment and transformation are definitely on the cards this week. Feel all the feels and be ready to take the plunge into a new belief system.