Universal- Jam-packed full of astro action, reporting the latest news of the universe, equipping you to make the best of your week whether in love, sex, career, or creativity.
Reading for your Rising Sign aka. Ascendant can provide you with a more accurate horoscope overall that you just can’t get from sun signs. Your rising sign indicates the sign of the zodiac that was rising on the eastern horizon at the exact moment of your birth.
Many of you may not know your time of birth. Some people do identify more with reading their moon or sun sign. Find out what resonates most with you.
Step onto the cosmic dance floor, as we groove to the rhythm of collective astral energy. We’re building up momentum towards the weekend. Get ready for an otherworldly rendezvous as Jupiter joins forces with the North Node in Taurus. It’s a date with destiny! Let’s take a trip down memory lane and see when this heavenly duo last danced together. They strutted their stuff in Virgo in 2016, twirled in Aquarius in 2009, and paraded in Cancer in 2001. The next reunion won’t be until 2030 in Sagittarius! But hold on, the last time they united in Taurus was way back in May 1929, marking the end of the Roaring Twenties and the beginning of the not-so-great Great Depression. Talk about a wild ride! This cosmic rendezvous could even lead us to a capitalist crisis, but fear not, for we can rebuild and create a new world economy, thanks to Uranus! With the North Node in Taurus, it’s time for humanity to learn valuable lessons about stability and the wise use of money to build solid foundations. So let’s move forward with the universe backing us up, as life lessons and fated opportunities guide us on an extraordinary journey.
On Saturday or Sunday, depending on your timezone, the Full Moon in Sagittarius ignites our adventurous spirits and love for life. It encourages us to take a leap of faith onto our destined life path, acting from the heart and reflecting on what we began six months ago during the new moon in Sagittarius. This full moon tickles the adventurer within us, urging us to experience life in a grander, more exciting way. Pack your bags and embrace the theme of travel associated with the sign of the archer. Love and values may undergo transformation, with freedom and honest communication taking center stage. Let’s think outside the box, expand our horizons, and journey together, granting each other the freedom to be our true selves. It’s time to boogie and set our spirits free amidst these dreamy vibes and love in the air.
As we embrace the Mercury Uranus conjunction in Taurus, brilliant ideas will permeate the atmosphere, sparking genius within us. Let’s shake up the ground and break free from the ordinary, embracing our individuality and thinking outside the box as we conquer the mystical dance floor of life. So slip on those gradient rose-colored glasses and let the collective cosmic energy guide you through a week of adventure, love, and creative brilliance. It’s time to boogie with the universe!
Get ready to ignite your fiery spirit and embrace the cosmic dance of life! The Full Moon in Sagittarius lights up your 9th house, signaling potential financial ventures in foreign lands or a sizzling romantic connection from overseas. Lucky Jupiter will conjunct the destiny point North Node in your second house of finances, bringing the luckiest redirection in money funds and self-worth. Be open, especially to help from overseas, as this cosmic alignment opens your mind and perspective, inviting investments in foreign countries and fostering self-growth through international travel.
Boost your self-confidence and make your moves, even if some friends or family aren’t entirely on board with your ideas. Remember, on your current life path, it’s essential to listen to your intuition, think outside the box, and become a rebellious trailblazer. Don’t worry about past failures; they were valuable lessons in disguise. Reflect back to late November and see if any trips or international experiences are crystallizing now. If you’re traveling this week, expect a spiritually enlightening epiphany or insight. Some of you may also be wrapping up a course or educational endeavor. Keep moving forward and satisfy your lust for life. Consider updating your location as it may help expand your horizons.
We’ve got dreamy energy flowing through the cosmos. Love is in the air, and it’s like you’re looking through gradient rose-colored glasses. It’s time for some family healing. Let go of past traumas and all those pesky things that are holding you back. It’s time to embrace the love and joy that surround you. The Mercury Uranus conjunction in Taurus, brings brilliance into the air. You’ve got some groundbreaking ideas to make those funds rain, so don’t let anyone rain on your parade. Take charge, embrace those genius ideas, and never let anyone dim your light. It’s time to dance to your own
cosmic beat and make your dreams a reality. Get out there and conquer the world with your unstoppable brilliance and that dazzling smile of yours!
Get ready to groove to the cosmic beats as we embark on the dance of life. Venus struts her stuff in Cancer, your 3rd house, encouraging you to explore and discover. Lace up your exploring shoes and venture out into your neighbourhood. Take weekend trips, learn new things, and create unforgettable memories with your siblings. This is your time to embrace the joy of discovery and bonding. A rare date with destiny awaits you. Lucky Jupiter joins forces with the destiny point, North Node, in your sign, bringing transformative and fortunate energy exclusively for you. Opportunities may arise, including potential investments in your projects. Press that lucky button and let it guide you along your golden path. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who can propel you towards your desires. You are currently the universe’s favorite, so delight in the cosmic glow.
Let’s talk about the rebellious surprises brought by Uranus in your sign. Embrace the unexpected twists and turns that life presents and let your unique self shine brightly. Mercury also is still hanging out in your sign, urging you to speak your truth and communicate your message boldly. Don’t be afraid to grab the megaphone and make your voice heard. With Jupiter and the North Node in your earthy sign, luck is on your side. You possess the cosmic alchemist’s touch, turning everything into gold.
The Full Moon in Sagittarius lights up your 8th house, triggering transformation and growth in your more intimate sphere. Reflect on the past six months and how you’ve emerged from your cocoon. Cut ties with what no longer serves you and lay a solid foundation for yourself. You’re on a trailblazing journey, so step into the spotlight and shine like the cosmic superstar you are.
Dreamy energy flows through the skies, calling you to connect with friends and enjoy their company. This is not a time to stay at home; let the world witness your charm. With Mercury and Uranus colliding in your sign, brilliant ideas are swirling in the cosmic air. Embrace your role as the innovator and face of your project. Don’t hide in the shadows; it’s time to embrace your destiny. Explore, transform, and let your unique light shine. Speak your truth and unleash those brilliant ideas. The dance floor of life awaits, so put on your dancing shoes and show the world what you’re made of!
Get ready to ride the waves of the universe with your witty charm and intellectual prowess. Mercury, your ruling planet, in your 12th house, is taking you on a journey into your upside-down world. Cherish this transit because it won’t come around again until next year. So, dive deep, explore the hidden corners of your mind, and uncover the treasures that await.
A rare date with destiny awaits you as lucky Jupiter conjuncts the destiny point called North Node. New fated partnerships are forming behind the scenes. Commit with your intuition, for you may not fully grasp who is entering your life and bringing positive changes. The answer may be encoded in your dreams. Now, let’s talk about the grand Full Moon in Sagittarius on the weekend, illuminating your 7th house of relationships. It takes two to tango! Is it time to take the plunge and partner up, or is it time to bid farewell and go solo? Whether it’s in love or business, the interstellar spotlight is on your connections. Trust your gut because it holds the key to your next chapter. And once you’ve made your decision, clear and open communication will be the secret ingredient to success.
We have got some dreamy energy swirling in the cosmos. Have faith because new career prospects are on the horizon, making you feel oh-so-good. Dream big and let your ambitions soar because incredible opportunities await.
Mercury teams up with Uranus in your 12th house, creating a celestial extravaganza. Brace yourself because brilliant ideas are buzzing around like electrifying bolts of genius. It’s time to shake things up and think outside the box. Expect the unexpected and embrace the extraordinary that life has in store for you. Take the cosmic stage, dive deeper into your inner world, trust your gut in matters of the heart and partnerships, and let your communication skills shine. Dream big and have faith in the exciting career prospects ahead. And when those brilliant ideas strike, don’t be afraid to shake things up and expect the extraordinary. The cosmic spotlight is on you, so dazzle the world with your wit and charm!

Get ready to rock the cosmic stage with your magnetic charm and nurturing spirit. The Full Moon in Sagittarius is shining a light on your 6th house, bringing health, routine, and pets into the spotlight. Take a moment to reflect on the past six months and how your daily rhythms and well-being have evolved. This lunar energy is here to help you make breakthroughs and embrace new ways of caring for yourself. Your routine may be blessed with alliances and an updated friend circle, or you might even be about to join an exclusive club. Don’t say no to the golden invitations you will be receiving. These changes might even bring you financial opportunities and a boost in self-esteem. Keep an eye out for an international connection or partnership that sparks your desires. Lean on your friends and network for success and fulfillment. Who knows, someone special might even want to whisk you away on a romantic trip! This is the last week of Venus gliding through your constellation, making you an irresistible and beautiful attractor. You don’t need to chase love. Let it come to you naturally. Embrace the gradient rose-colored glasses and get ready to see love bloom when you travel through this world. Mercury joins forces with Uranus in Taurus in your 11th house. Brace yourself for brilliant and genius ideas to spark your imagination. It’s time to shake up the ground and think outside the box. Your network holds the key to fulfilling your dreams and bringing those brilliant ideas to life. A rare date with destiny awaits you as lucky Jupiter conjuncts the destiny point called North Node. New job prospects are also on the horizon, making you feel like you matter in this collective.
Embrace your natural charm and nurturing qualities. Reflect on your health and daily routines, as breakthroughs are on the horizon. Follow the scent of the new collective and trust the opportunities that arise. The cosmic spotlight is on you, so shine bright and embrace the magic of the universe!
Prepare to dazzle the cosmic stage with your radiant personality and magnetic charm. The Sun is igniting your 11th house of friends, social circles, and dreams in Gemini. It’s time to align with the collective and pursue your wildest ambitions. With Pluto in your 7th house, you’re attracting influential individuals and forging powerful connections.
Now, let’s talk about the highlight of the week: the Full Moon in Sagittarius. This lunar event illuminates your 5th house, bringing forth a romantic climax, creative brilliance, and attention to your projects. A rare date with destiny awaits as lucky Jupiter aligns with the North Node in your 10th house, paving the way for fated career moves. Your creativity and uniqueness take the spotlight, destined to inspire others. This cosmic alignment extends beyond your career; it may also elevate your partnership, inspiring others to join forces.
Embrace this moment to make a statement. Your creative endeavors are poised to receive recognition and praise. If you have children, they too will shine brightly. For those in relationships, passion could intensify. Singles might encounter thrilling romantic connections. Live in the moment, savor passion, and embrace inspiration. Let your creativity flow and reach its peak.
Venus, in Cancer, graces your 12th house, infusing enchanting energy. Love is in the air, inviting you to wear your gradient rose-colored glasses. Consider practicing meditation to absorb swirling emotions and gain clarity.
Now, let’s not forget Sunday’s cosmic dance. Mercury joins Uranus in your 10th house of Taurus, unleashing genius ideas. Shake up the status quo, think outside the box, and seize the opportunity to enhance your self-worth and financial prospects. Be bold, be brave, and showcase the fruits of your labor. Embrace your creative destiny and let your light shine, captivating the world around you!
Prepare to expand your mind, embark on exotic adventures, and embrace intentional focus. Mercury is strutting its stuff in Taurus, gracing your 9th house with its intellectual prowess. Get ready for some mind-expanding experiences and a journey into new belief systems. It’s time to pack your bags and explore the world!
Now, let’s dive into the cosmic happenings this week. The Full Moon in Sagittarius takes center stage, casting its radiant light on your 4th house. This lunar event brings home and family drama to its climax. You may feel the desire to update your living situation or even establish yourself in a foreign country. Trust your instincts and pursue the new magic that awaits, regardless of your partner’s stance.
Speaking of magic, Venus in Cancer sprinkles dreamy vibes throughout your 11th house. If you’re single, a friend may introduce you to someone captivating. Don’t hide indoors; embrace the romantic potential that surrounds you.
Mercury joins forces with Uranus in Taurus once again, igniting your 9th house. Brilliant and genius ideas are in the air, ready to shake up the ground. This transit could even bring forth a career opportunity overseas, providing a fresh start. Stay alert, keep your options open, and don’t hesitate to explore new places. The world is your oyster, brimming with exciting possibilities.
It’s time to expand your horizons, both intellectually and geographically. Embrace the exotic, follow your instincts, and pursue the new magic that calls to you. Keep an eye on your home and family situation as it reaches its climax, and don’t be afraid to make necessary changes. Love is in the air, so step outside and let the dreamy vibes guide you to potential romantic connections. Trust the cosmic journey unfolding before you and seize the opportunities that arise.
Prepare for a cosmic dance that will have your career and reputation on a fabulous high! It’s time to shine in your professional endeavors, making bold decisions and stomping your way to success. But hold onto your scales because after this week, Venus will move into your 11th house of friendships, adding an extra sparkle to your social connections.
Now, let’s turn our gaze to the captivating Full Moon in Sagittarius, illuminating your 3rd house. It’s time to embark on a learning adventure! Whether it’s exploring a new city or engaging in a weekend getaway, focus on expanding your horizons and opening your mind to fresh perspectives. This lunar climax may also bring transformation through a new skill you acquire or by embracing your immediate environment. Keep an eye on your money income and seek advice from your network to keep the brewing success flowing. Reflect on the past six months and the learning adventures you’ve embarked upon, as transformation reaches a new peak. Adjust your routine and embrace the thrill of growth.
A rare date with destiny awaits you as lucky Jupiter conjoins the destiny point called North Node in your 8th house of shared resources. It seems that dealing with other people’s money may be destined for you. You possess the skills to handle substantial funds and multiply them, and destiny wants you to become a major player in this realm. Additionally, your sexual life is about to take on a deeply spiritual nature. Be open to exploring the exotic and embracing new dimensions of intimacy.
Venus in Cancer forms a delightful trine with Neptune in Pisces, casting dreamy vibes upon you. Your admiration at work can lead to an update in your routine. Perhaps a new task will be added to your repertoire, accompanied by some extra cash in your wallet. Don’t hesitate to ask for what you deserve. Let your creative mind flow. Be open to attracting someone who will break you out of your mold and encourage you to try new things. Love and adventure await, so unleash your wit and charm upon the world!
Get ready to set the cosmic stage ablaze with your magnetic presence as Mars takes center stage in your 10th house, fueling your career ambitions. Unleash your determination and conquer new heights of success. But the transformation doesn’t stop there; a metamorphosis awaits in your home and family life. Embrace the changes that come your way, as they hold the key to your personal growth and evolution. Shifting our focus to the captivating Full Moon in Sagittarius, it illuminates your 2nd house, signaling the peak of a money-making venture. This could involve a business partnership that is ready to move to the next level or one that has been successfully finalized. Prepare for a brilliant idea that brings a golden opportunity for you and your partner. Collaboration is key, so embrace its power and let it enhance your work ethic. When it comes to your creative endeavors, think long-term and make confident career moves. Mark your calendar for a rare date with destiny, as lucky Jupiter aligns with the North Node in your 7th house of partnerships. This cosmic alignment holds the potential for a fated alliance with a business partner or spouse, one that is innovative and makes you the dream team everyone strives to be. Embrace this powerful connection and unlock extraordinary opportunities and superlucky outcomes.
The universe has a plan to break your relationship patterns and create better ones. Open your heart to those who may not fit your usual type, as they hold the potential for profound transformation and growth. Prepare for the possibility of encountering someone who captivates you from across the globe. Romance beckons, so let your heart soar and embrace the enchantment of connection. Another cosmic spectacle awaits as Mercury aligns with Uranus in your 7th house. Update your relationship patterns and seek happiness and satisfaction. Dare to be bold and let your unique brilliance shine. With Mars fuelling your career drive and Pluto guiding your transformative journey at home, you possess an irresistible power. Embrace the climax of your money-making ventures and seize the golden opportunities that come your way. Let love and creativity flow through your veins, guided by dreamy vibrations and unconventional ideas. Get ready to embrace the extraordinary and watch you destiny unfold!
Hello, cosmic adventurer! Get ready for new job opportunities that may come galloping into your life, adding a delightful sprinkle of excitement to your daily routines. Stay open to possibilities, including those that AI can help you discover.
Now, let’s direct our attention to the captivating Full Moon in your sign. You are shining brightly under the majestic full moon, reflecting on the goals you’ve achieved in the past six months. Each day, you are becoming a better version of yourself and opening up to new horizons. During this lunar extravaganza, your relationships also take center stage. Consider how you can update your daily routines to create a more inspiring and fulfilling life. It’s time to finalize what needs completion and let go of what no longer serves your grand vision.
Love is in the air! Through rose-colored glasses, love and forgiveness bloom in your home and family life. Kindness fills the four walls, creating an atmosphere of harmony and warmth.
But wait, there’s more! Mercury joins forces with Uranus in Taurus, bringing excitement to your partnership. You and your partner may embark on alternative fitness routines or explore new paths to health and well-being together. Support each other and let your partnership thrive in the realm of wellness.
With lucky Jupiter guiding your health and daily joys, you possess an exuberant zest for life. Under the spotlight of the Full Moon, take a moment to celebrate your achievements and seek new horizons to conquer. Let love and forgiveness flourish in your home and family life, enveloping you in a warm embrace. Allow the cosmic winds to carry you to new heights of joy, fulfillment, and love. Illuminate the world with your radiant spirit and inspire others with your pursuits. Embrace the cosmic adventure that awaits!
Oh, Capricorn Rising, with Saturn standing tall in Pisces, your 3rd house becomes a playground for mature communication and the art of learning day by day. Take your time, for true growth emerges from the steady footsteps of progress.
Now, let’s turn our attention to the captivating Full Moon in Sagittarius, casting its celestial glow upon your 12th house. The spotlight shines upon your subconscious realm. Delve deep and uncover the hidden opportunities that lie within. The cosmos supports you as you embark on your transformational journey.
Progress is quietly unfolding behind the scenes. While your communication skills may not yet possess the utmost finesse you desire, fear not, for you are gradually getting there.
A rare date with destiny awaits you as lucky Jupiter conjoins the destiny point called North Node in your 5th house of creativity, romance, and joy. Your genie in a bottle is being rubbed, and wish fulfillment is on its way. An expansive boost of creativity awaits you, allowing your inner artist to flourish. Romantic connections may sweep you off your feet as if you were living in a movie. And if becoming a parent is a dream of yours, the universe may align to fulfill that wish as well. All is fun and joyful for you during this magical time.
Venus in Cancer forms a delightful trine with Neptune in Pisces, infusing your 7th and 3rd houses with dreamy vibes. Love dances in the air, beckoning you to gaze through those gradient rose-colored glasses. If you’re feeling bold, go ahead and text your crush, for a divine date awaits you on the weekend. Subtlety becomes your ally as you make the first move.
Prepare to attract someone who truly stimulates your brain, making your heart flutter with intellectual connection. As brilliant and genius ideas flow through your mind, venture into unconventional realms of love and creativity, but remain aware of unpredictability. Embrace the creative rewards that await and allow your inner creator to soar.
Go forth with steady steps, armed with patience and determination. Let the cosmos guide you on your path of growth, transformation, and love. Embrace the opportunities that come your way and revel in the joy and fulfillment that awaits you.
Brace yourselves for a cosmic extravaganza that’s sure to leave you enlightened and entertained. Channel your inner innovator and embark on a mission to revolutionize your home and family ties. Break free from the chains of the past and let your imagination run wild. Who needs a trauma cycle when you can have a disco party instead?
Meanwhile, Saturn in Pisces keeps a watchful eye on your money matters, teaching you the art of financial wisdom. Embrace the lessons along the way, as even the blunders will serve as stepping stones to your monetary success.
Now, let’s turn our attention to the dazzling Full Moon in Sagittarius, casting its radiant glow upon your friendships and social network. Take a moment to reflect on the past six months and celebrate the milestones you’ve achieved. Has your squad grown? Keep an eye on your residential status, as the universe may have exciting plans in store for you. Perhaps an upgrade to an intergalactic mansion or a shared getaway with friends that serves as your beautiful abode. Who says roommates are outdated once you get older? Think of all the fun times and exchanges you’ll have.
Venus in Cancer forms a deliciously dreamy trine with Neptune in Pisces, adding a touch of romance and love to your everyday routine. Pamper yourself and infuse a dose of self-love into your daily regimen. Allow your heart to blossom and radiate love to those around you.
Break free from the confines of tradition and embrace innovative ideas. Communication becomes a powerful tool, so let your voice be heard as you navigate the changes and express your desires.
As Uranus sparks innovation and Saturn keeps your finances in check, get ready for a cosmic dance that will leave you twirling in delight. Celebrate your friendships, dream big, and when life gets tough, just add a sprinkle of glitter and let your Aquarian light shine bright. Embrace the extraordinary journey that awaits you, and let the cosmic symphony guide you to new heights of joy, love, and revolution.
You’re the reigning champion of imagination and enchantment. Your creative spirit knows no bounds, granting you a backstage pass to the theater of life where reality intertwines with fantasy. Just remember to come up for air every now and then and ground yourself in the present.
Jupiter is in Taurus, setting the stage for thrilling intellectual pursuits. Your third house is buzzing with curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. Embrace your inner scholar and embark on a quest to learn something new. Whether it’s inventing something groundbreaking or acquiring a new skill that could make you famous, this is your time to shine. Musicians, in particular, can align their talents with the collective and write a song that resonates deeply. Keep creating and flowing in the stream of your beautiful ideas, and you will reach new heights of success and recognition.
Saturn, the wise mentor of the cosmos, is here to guide you from Peter Pan syndrome to a whole new level of maturity. It’s time to take responsibility and embrace the growth that comes with it. Saturn’s presence may initially feel like a challenge, but fear not, for it is actually your ally, pushing you to unlock your full potential. Embrace this transformative journey and let Saturn shape you into the best version of yourself.
Now, let’s turn our attention to the illuminating Full Moon in Sagittarius, casting its radiant spotlight on your career and home life. Have you acquired a new skill that’s propelling your professional journey to new heights? Celebrate your achievements, whether it’s landing a promotion, reaching a career milestone, or expanding your skill set. Remember that success is built one step at a time, so keep putting in the work and watch your dreams become a reality.
Speaking of dreams, Venus in Cancer forms a deliciously dreamy trine with Neptune, infusing your life with romantic and ethereal vibes. Love is in the air, and it’s time to embrace the enchantment. Dust off your most enchanting attire and embark on whimsical date nights. Let love find you in the most unexpected places, and write your own romantic fairytale. If you’re single, be open to exciting encounters and step out of your comfort zone. Adventure awaits, and the cosmos has lined up delightful surprises for you.
Embrace your imaginative nature, thirst for knowledge, and the transformative journey that awaits you. Let the cosmic symphony guide you to new heights of creativity, love, and personal growth. Your enchanting spirit is ready to shine its radiant light upon the world.