Image Royal Blue Silk Velvet Fabric Via Pinterest Fashion Fabrics

This October, the cosmos swirls with the energy of a Lynchian dreamscape—mysterious, seductive, and just a touch dangerous. As we step into this enchanted month, imagine the world of “Blue Velvet” painting the sky: a pristine surface with dark undercurrents just beneath. The celestial dance above beckons us to peer behind the curtains of our lives, to discover what lies hidden in the shadows. Are you ready to uncover the secrets that the stars have kept veiled? 


October begins with a Cazimi—Mercury and the Sun kiss in the Libra constellation, a moment of pure, unfiltered clarity. This is the universe’s invitation to start anew, to harmonise your mind with the thoughts of those who stand beside you. Communication is key — speak now, or forever hold your peace. Dare to ask questions, and don’t shy away from what you find. As the Sun illuminates Mercury, it’s time to uncover the hidden truths in our relationships. What’s behind the perfect facade? 

The very next day, the fated Solar Eclipse in Libra unfolds. This is not just any eclipse, it’s a continuation of a story that began in April 2023—a tale of codependency versus interdependency. This eclipse is the penultimate chapter, urging us to re-evaluate our partnerships, both romantic and platonic. Are we entwined in a dance of mutual respect, or are the strings of control tightening around us? The eclipse’s shadow may obscure our vision, but trust that it’s only showing you what you need to see. 


As we glide deeper into October, the shadows deepen. On the 9th, Jupiter retrograde calls for introspection. Imagine Jupiter as the hidden camera, capturing the behind-the-scenes moments that you’ve missed. The blessings are there, tucked away in the corners of your mind—write them down, decode their messages, and you might just stumble upon a revelation. The 11th brings Pluto’s direct station at 29° Capricorn, the final act in a long, transformative play. The Lord of the Underworld stirs, and with him, the deepest truths rise to the surface. What have you buried in your subconscious?

What secrets have you been hiding, even from yourself? Now is the time to dig them up, to face them, and to allow them to transform you. Remember, from the darkest nights, the brightest stars emerge. Mercury slips into Scorpio on the 13th, a time for probing conversations and penetrating insights. Let your thoughts dive into the depths, and don’t be afraid of what you might find lurking there. On the 14th, Venus opposes Uranus, promising unpredictable twists in love and relationships. Like a sudden cut in a Lynch film, this aspect jolts you out of complacency. Expect the unexpected—a shocking revelation, a sudden change of heart, or a passionate encounter that leaves you breathless.

The Full Moon in Aries on the 17th echoes the fire of April’s Solar Eclipse in Aries. This is your moment of culmination—what seeds were planted then? Now, you see the flames either roaring to life or gently flickering out. This Full Moon is your cosmic bonfire, urging you to release your emotions and let them fuel your transformation. Don’t hold back—passion is your power. 


As Venus enters Sagittarius on the 17th, the tone lightens. The world, once so cloaked in shadow, now opens up to the thrill of exploration. Let your inner adventurer take the reins, and embrace the wild, untamed energy that surrounds you. The call of wanderlust is irresistible—will you answer it? The sun moves into Scorpio on the 22nd, marking the beginning of a season drenched in intensity and transformation. Scorpio, the sign of death and rebirth, invites us to dive into the deepest parts of our psyche. It’s time to confront the cycles of our life—what needs to end so that something new can begin? Sometimes we must descend into the darkness to emerge reborn. Finally, on the 30th, just in time for Halloween, Mercury opposes Uranus. This is your moment of revelation, when the final piece of the puzzle falls into place. New information, perhaps delivered through a dream or a sudden insight, will shake the foundations of your reality. Embrace the shock —it’s just the universe’s way of pushing you towards the truth. 

October 2024 is not a month for the faint of heart. Like the world of “Blue Velvet,” it is filled with beauty, danger, and profound mysteries. The eclipses and planetary movements are your guides through this enigmatic landscape, urging you to look beyond the surface and discover what lies beneath. Embrace the intensity, the seduction, and the power of transformation that this month offers. Just remember—like the characters in Lynch’s masterpiece, you may not always find what you expect, but you will always find what you need. 

Image: Blue Velvet by David Lynch, 1986


This October, your life feels like a movie, with you as the dazzling main character. Whether you’re already paired up or waiting for that perfect co-star to enter your orbit, the spotlight is on you and your relationships. The script is filled with intense close-ups, dramatic shifts, and plot twists that challenge your perceptions. You’re working hard to rebuild your foundations, and this is your moment to solidify what truly matters—both in your personal life and in your partnerships. The month kicks off with a burst of clarity in your partnership sector, as the cosmos focuses on your connections with others. Communication is your superpower now—use it wisely. Whether you’re negotiating, reconnecting, or setting things straight, this is the perfect moment to lay all your cards on the table. It’s time to be honest and direct, and to invite the same from those around you. Your relationships will thrive if you can embrace this transparency. 

The Solar Eclipse on the 2nd in your partnership sector is a pivotal moment, one that ties back to a story that began in April 2023. This eclipse brings the themes of independence and partnership into sharp focus, urging you to re-evaluate how you balance your needs with those of others. It might bring unresolved relationship issues to the forefront, challenging your sense of security at home. Are you building a life with someone who truly supports your authentic self, or are there tensions that need to be addressed? This is a time for deep emotional work and karmic clearing, essential steps for your growth and the health of your relationships. The 14th brings surprising shifts in your love life and finances, thanks to Venus’s opposition to Uranus. This aspect could shake things up in ways you didn’t see coming, perhaps revealing hidden desires or unexpected opportunities. Embrace the unpredictability; sometimes, the universe has a better plan than we could ever imagine. Whether it’s a sudden change in your relationship dynamics or an unforeseen financial windfall, be open to the possibilities. 

The Full Moon in your sign on the 17th is a powerful moment of self-realisation. It echoes the fiery energy of April’s Solar Eclipse also in your sign, bringing a culmination to the goals and projects you initiated back then. This is your chance to turn your vulnerabilities into strengths. Embrace your true self, flaws and all, and let your raw passion drive you forward. The Full Moon also highlights tensions between your personal life and career. Are you spreading yourself too thin? Communicate openly with those around you, and you may find the support you need to balance these competing demands. As Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 17th, you’re ready to shake off the shadows and embrace a new adventure. Whether you’re flying solo or dancing with a partner, let your curiosity guide you. There’s a world of possibilities waiting just beyond your comfort zone, so take a leap of faith. The month ends on a dramatic note with Mercury opposing Uranus on the 30th, just in time for Halloween. This aspect rattles the cages of your mind, forcing you to reconsider your values and how they align with your deepest desires. The revelations that come to light may be shocking, but they also present an opportunity to break free from old patterns that no longer serve you. Embrace the chaos—it’s the universe’s way of pushing you toward a more authentic and fulfilling path. 

Image: Blue Velvet by David Lynch, 1986


This October, your life takes on the surreal, seductive vibe of a David Lynch film. Expect unexpected twists, deep emotional revelations, and the unearthing of long-buried secrets. The cosmos is setting the stage for profound transformations in your relationships, daily routines, and subconscious mind. The month begins with a powerful Solar Eclipse on the 2nd in your 6th House of Health, Work, and Daily Routines. It’s time to rebalance or release something in your daily life. Have you been overextending yourself or clinging to old habits? Venus, the ruler of this eclipse, highlights the need for harmony in your work-life balance. Challenging conversations may arise, but they’re necessary to move forward. Letting go now will open the door to new opportunities by April’s Full Moon. 

Jupiter’s retrograde in your 2nd House invites you to reassess your relationship with money and self-worth. Hidden blessings may emerge if you’re willing to dig deep. As Pluto stations direct, ending a transformative period in your worldview, profound insights and a clearer understanding of your personal truth will surface. It’s time to embrace these changes and align with those who truly support your journey. On the 13th, Mercury’s move into Scorpio brings intense, probing conversations with significant others or close collaborators. Venus opposes Uranus on the 14th, electrifying your relationships and bringing unexpected shifts. You may feel a sudden urge to break free from restrictions or to deepen a connection in unconventional ways. This energy is potent—stay open to surprises, whether exhilarating or unsettling. 

The Full Moon on the 17th illuminates your 12th House of the Subconscious, urging you to confront hidden vulnerabilities and release what no longer serves you. By letting go, you make space for new growth. Reflect on what began around April’s Solar Eclipse—it’s time to close that chapter and learn from it. As Venus enters Sagittarius, you’re drawn to explore deeper emotional and financial connections, seeking truth in your partnerships. The month concludes with a dramatic opposition between Mercury and Uranus in your sign, bringing potential revelations or sudden changes in relationships. This is your chance to redefine who you are in relation to others, breaking free from old patterns and stepping into a new way of being. 

Image: Blue Velvet by David Lynch, 1986


This October, your world takes on the intriguing atmosphere of a David Lynch film, where the ordinary meets the surreal, and every twist holds deeper meaning. The cosmos casts you as the lead in a story of creativity, transformation, and revelation. Prepare to navigate the shadows of your subconscious, the intensity of your relationships, and the allure of creative passion. The month begins with a dazzling Cazimi, offering pure clarity that lights up your creative endeavours and personal passions. Use this energy to boldly express yourself in art, love, or play—this is your moment to shine. The Solar Eclipse on the 2nd in your 5th House ushers in a powerful new beginning. It may reveal areas in your creative or romantic life that need rebalancing. Let go of what no longer serves you and prepare for a creative rebirth by the Full Moon in April 2025. Starting on the 9th, Jupiter retrograde in your sign offers a unique opportunity to uncover hidden blessings and insights about your identity. This introspective period, lasting until February 2025, is a time to reflect on how your relationships and personal growth intertwine. Consider what aspects of yourself need revisiting and refining. 

As Pluto turns direct, the next 38 days could bring deep revelations about your fears, desires, and power dynamics in your relationships. Embrace these changes to transform your life on a fundamental level. When Mercury enters Scorpio, the focus shifts to your daily routines, prompting intense, probing conversations about your work and health. Pay attention to how your habits affect your well-being.On the 14th, Venus opposes Uranus, bringing unexpected shifts in your daily life. You may feel a sudden urge to break free from stifling routines, or hidden aspects of your health or work may come to light. Embrace the unpredictability—it may realign you with your true path. 

The Full Moon in Aries on the 17th illuminates your friendships, connections, and future goals, bringing themes from April’s Solar Eclipse to a head. Reflect on your intentions—do they need adjustment? Aligning with your true self will help you find support within your community. As Venus moves into your partnership sector, relationships take on a more adventurous and optimistic tone. Whether in love or business, you’re ready to explore new horizons with those closest to you. The month concludes with a dramatic opposition between Mercury and Uranus on the 30th, potentially bringing surprising news or insights that force you to rethink your daily life. This could be a catalyst for breaking free from outdated habits and embracing a new way of living. 

Image by Jackie Lee Young: Blue Velvet by David Lynch, 1986 played in Austin Virtual Drive-In


This October, Cancer, your life takes on the mysterious, dreamlike quality of a David Lynch film, where the familiar becomes strange and the unknown beckons. The cosmos pulls you deep into your emotions, home, and ambitions, urging you to confront hidden truths. The month opens with a Cazimi in your home and family sector, offering a moment of clarity to reassess what truly makes you feel secure. Whether it’s about your physical home or emotional roots, this is your chance to create a more balanced and harmonious environment.

The Solar Eclipse on the 2nd marks a profound new beginning in your home life, highlighting areas in your family dynamics or living situation that need rebalancing or release. Let go of what no longer serves you and prepare for tangible results by April next year. Pluto’s direct station in your 7th House of Partnerships signals the end of a transformative period in your relationships. You’ve been uncovering power dynamics and unspoken truths—now it’s time to use these insights to build more authentic and powerful relationships, whether in love or business. As Mercury moves into Scorpio, your thoughts and conversations take on a more intense, investigative tone. This is a time to dive deep into your passions, whether in love, art, or play. Expect probing discussions and a focus on uncovering hidden truths that can lead to greater emotional depth and creative breakthroughs. The opposition between Venus and Uranus, the 14th, brings unexpected shifts in your creative projects or romantic life. You might experience sudden changes in your social circles or feel the need to break free from traditional forms of expression. Embrace the surprises that come your way—they might lead you to a new, more authentic path. 

The Full Moon, the 17th, illuminates your 10th House of Career and Reputation, bringing to a head the themes that began around the Solar Eclipse in Aries last April. This lunation highlights tensions between your personal ambitions and your emotional needs. You may feel a strong urge to assert yourself in your career, but be mindful of how your actions impact your sense of security. By trusting your intuition and inner wisdom, you can navigate these challenges and find the recognition you deserve.

As the Sun enters Scorpio, your focus shifts even more toward your creative projects and romantic relationships. This season invites you to explore these areas with greater intensity and depth. Whether it’s through a passionate love affair, a creative endeavour, or connecting with your inner child, Scorpio Season encourages you to dive deep and uncover what truly fuels your soul. The month concludes with a dramatic opposition between Mercury and Uranus. This aspect could bring unexpected news or insights related to your creative projects or social connections. It’s a time for sudden realisations that could change the way you approach your passions or your role within your community. Embrace the surprises—sometimes a shake-up is exactly what’s needed to realign you with your true path.

Image: Blue Velvet by David Lynch, 1986


This October, your world takes on the surreal and mysterious atmosphere of a David Lynch film, where the lines between reality and the unknown blur, and every conversation seems to hold a hidden meaning. The cosmos is guiding you through a labyrinth of thoughts, communication, and deep emotional revelations. Get ready to explore the shadows of your mind and the foundations of your home. The month begins with a powerful Cazimi. This moment offers a burst of clarity, illuminating the way you connect with those around you. Whether through conversations, writing, or even a simple message, your words carry extra weight now. It’s a perfect time to express your thoughts and ideas, as the universe amplifies your voice, allowing you to articulate with precision and insight. 

On the 2nd, the Solar Eclipse signals a significant new beginning in how you communicate and process information. This eclipse might reveal areas where your old ways of thinking or communicating are holding you back. There could be a tension between your conscious thoughts and your subconscious fears or hidden motives. The changes you make in your communication could deeply impact your domestic life. Let go of outdated mental patterns and prepare for a fresh, more authentic way of expressing yourself, leading to significant results by April next year. Reflect on your friendships. Are you surrounding yourself with people who truly support your dreams, or is it time to reevaluate your alliances? Use this time to reconnect with what truly inspires you. As Pluto moves forward, you can begin to apply these revelations to create a healthier, more empowering environment for yourself. You might receive surprising news that shakes up your domestic or professional life. Embrace the changes—they may lead you to a more balanced and satisfying life. 

The Full Moon in Aries, the 17th, brings to light the themes that began around April’s Solar Eclipse. You may feel a strong desire to expand your horizons, whether through travel, education, or exploring new belief systems. Subconscious fears or hidden obstacles may surface, challenging your pursuit of these goals. Trust in your intuition and inner wisdom, and you can overcome these challenges to reach new heights in your personal and spiritual growth. As Venus moves into Sagittarius, your focus shifts toward passion and pleasure, inviting you to explore new avenues of creative expression and to seek joy in your romantic connections. Whether it’s a new love interest or a creative project, embrace the adventure and allow yourself to be swept up in the excitement. The month concludes with a dramatic opposition between Mercury and Uranus, bringing potential shocks or surprising news related to your home and career. This aspect could force you to rethink your approach to these areas, prompting sudden realisations that lead to significant changes. Stay open to the unexpected—sometimes a shake-up is exactly what’s needed to realign you with your true path. 

Image LAPIS BLUE Silk Velvet Fabric via Etsy


This October, your life takes on the enigmatic atmosphere of David Lynch’s “Blue Velvet,”where familiar comforts unravel to reveal deeper, more unsettling truths. The cosmos urges you to explore the hidden layers of your financial and emotional life, confronting what lies beneath the surface. The month begins with a Cazimi, illuminating your material world and offering clarity on what you truly value. This is a powerful time to reassess your financial strategies and set intentions that align with your core beliefs. On the 2nd, the fated Solar Eclipse signals a significant shift in your financial landscape.This eclipse could bring to light areas where your attachment to material security may be holding you back. Conflicts within your social circles or future goals may challenge your sense of security. This is a time to speak your truth and realign your financial strategies with your evolving values. Let go of outdated beliefs around money and security, and prepare for a more authentic approach with beautiful results by April next year. Jupiter’s retrograde invites reflection on your long-term ambitions until February 2025. Use this period to revisit professional goals and reconnect with what truly inspires you. 

Pluto moving direct, the 11th, marks the end of a transformative period in your creative life. Over the past months, you’ve delved deep into your creative passions, perhaps uncovering hidden fears or power struggles. Now, as Pluto gains momentum, it’s time to use these insights to fuel your creative endeavours and embrace the transformative power of joy and self-expression. As Mercury enters Scorpio on the 13th, your thoughts take on a more intense and probing tone. This is a time to dive deep into everyday interactions, uncovering hidden truths and challenging your perspective. The opposition between Venus and Uranus brings unexpected shifts in communication, potentially altering your outlook on life. The Full Moon on the 17th brings to a head the themes that began around April’s Solar Eclipse in Aries. It’s a time of emotional release, where you confront and heal deep-seated fears. Trust in the transformative lunar power to navigate these challenges and emerge stronger. 

The month concludes with a dramatic opposition between Mercury and Uranus, bringing potential shocks in your communication and beliefs. This aspect could force you to rethink your worldview or how you interact with your immediate environment. Embrace these sudden revelations—they may realign you with a more truthful and expansive way of thinking.

Image: Blue Velvet by David Lynch, 1986


This October the universe is casting you as the star of a grand cosmic drama, filled with intrigue, passion, and transformation. Imagine your life unfolding like a scene from David Lynch’s “Blue Velvet”, where beauty and mystery intertwine, and every moment holds the promise of deeper revelations. You are stepping into the spotlight, and this is your time to shine. The month begins with a dazzling Cazimi in your constellation. This rare alignment brings a burst of clarity and self-awareness, illuminating who you are and who you want to become. It’s like a spotlight on your soul, highlighting your unique beauty and grace. This is a moment to communicate your desires, set intentions, and align with your deepest truth. Speak up, for your voice carries the power to inspire and enchant. 

On the 2nd, the Solar Eclipse in your sign marks a pivotal chapter in your life’s story—a continuation of the tale that began in April 2023. This eclipse is not just any celestial event; it’s a profound moment that urges you to re-evaluate your partnerships, both romantic and platonic. Are your relationships based on mutual respect, or are you caught in a web of control? The eclipse’s shadow may obscure your vision, but it also reveals what you need to see. Trust in the process, even if it feels unsettling, for this is your opportunity to release old patterns and embrace a more balanced, authentic way of relating. This transformation is deeply tied to your sense of self-worth and financial security. By April 2025, you’ll look back on this moment as the beginning of something truly special. 

The opposition between Venus and Uranus brings unexpected shifts in your financial or emotional life. Surprises may arise in your relationships, particularly around intimacy and shared assets. This aspect challenges you to break free from old patterns and embrace new, more authentic ways of connecting. While the changes may be surprising, they’re likely to lead to greater freedom and deeper intimacy. The Full Moon in Aries, the 17th lights up your relationships, bringing to the surface themes that have been building since the Solar Eclipse in Aries last April. This lunation is all about balance—between you and your partner, between your needs and theirs. Healing is a central theme. It’s time to address any wounds or unresolved issues in your relationships. This Full Moon could bring tension, but also the opportunity for profound growth. Let this be a time of release and renewal in your partnerships, paving the way for a deeper connection and mutual respect. The month concludes with a dramatic opposition between Mercury and Uranus, bringing potential surprises in your financial or emotional life. This aspect could reveal unexpected information or prompt sudden changes in how you manage your resources or intimate relationships. Stay open to these revelations—they may challenge your current beliefs but also offer new paths to growth and understanding. 

Image: Blue Velvet by David Lynch, 1986


This October, your world takes on the sultry, mysterious vibe of David Lynch’s “Blue Velvet,” where every glance and whisper holds a secret, and the line between desire and obsession blurs deliciously. The cosmos is turning up the heat, and you, magnetic and enigmatic, are the star of this seductive drama. Prepare to dive deep into the unseen, where passion, power, and transformation intertwine. The month begins with illuminating the hidden corners of your mind. 

This moment is like a whispered secret, revealing truths you’ve kept buried even from yourself. It’s a time to reflect on what’s been lurking in the shadows, to understand the motives behind your deepest desires. Embrace this clarity—it’s your first step toward a powerful transformation. On the 2nd, the Solar Eclipse in your 12th House plunges you into the depths of your psyche, urging you to confront what lies beneath the surface. This is not just any eclipse; it’s a continuation of a story that began in April 2023—a tale of hidden fears and buried obsessions. The tension between your inner world and your beliefs might stir up some intense emotions. But fear not, for Venus in your sign, the ruler of this eclipse, ensures that this journey into the underworld will lead to profound self-discovery and renewed personal power. By the time April 2025 rolls around, you’ll have shed your old skin, reborn and more magnetic than ever. Now, as Pluto, your ruling planet gains momentum from the 11th, your words take on a magnetic quality—use them wisely, for they have the power to seduce, transform, and command. The opposition between Venus and Uranus brings a tantalizing, unpredictable energy to your relationships. Expect the unexpected, as Uranus shakes up your connections, possibly revealing desires you didn’t even know you had. Whether it’s a sudden, electrifying attraction or a surprising shift in a current relationship, embrace the chaos—sometimes it’s exactly what’s needed to ignite passion and deepen intimacy. 

The Full Moon the 17th is all about releasing what no longer serves you, particularly in your daily routines and health. This Full Moon might stir up old wounds or conflicts related to your beliefs and work life. But remember, you thrive in the heat of transformation. Use this energy to shed the old and embrace a healthier, more empowered way of living. As the Sun enters your sign on the 22nd, Scorpio Season officially begins, and you step fully into your power. This is your time, a season of intense emotions, transformation, and profound self-discovery. You are the master of the cycle of life and death, capable of turning pain into wisdom and rebirth. Let this season be a time of deep reflection and renewal, as you embrace your shadow and transform it into your greatest strength. The month concludes with a thrilling opposition between Mercury and Uranus. This aspect could bring unexpected news or shocking realisations in your relationships. Whether it’s a revelation from a partner or a sudden shift in your own perspective, these insights will push you to think differently about how you connect with others. Embrace the revelations—they are the key to unlocking a deeper, more authentic connection. 

Image: Blue Velvet by David Lynch, 1986


The cosmos has you on an adventure through the unknown, where the thrill of discovery meets the allure of the hidden and the wild. Buckle up—this is your journey into the surreal, where every shadow holds a new surprise. The month begins with a Cazimi, lighting up your social world with dazzling clarity. This is a moment where your ideas align perfectly with your vision for the future. It’s time to network, connect, and let your ideals shine through. On the 2nd, the Solar Eclipse in your 11th House marks a powerful shift in your social circles and long-term aspirations. This is not just another eclipse—it’s a cosmic turning point, the next chapter in a story that started in April 2023. Are your goals still aligned with who you’ve become, or is it time to let go of old dreams that no longer serve you? There’s a deep, transformative energy at play, urging you to confront hidden fears and power dynamics within your friendships. Some of these changes might unfold behind the scenes, but trust the process—it’s setting you up for a big reveal by April next year. 

Your ruling planet, Jupiter, is retrograding through your 7th House of Partnerships, offering a deep dive into your closest relationships. Until February 2025, this retrograde is a time to reassess and reflect on your partnerships—both romantic and professional. What are you learning about balance, compromise, and the give-and-take that keeps your connections thriving? Use this period to reconnect with the core values that make your relationships meaningful and expansive. Now, as Pluto turns forward, you can begin to rebuild, using the insights you’ve gained to create a more solid and empowered foundation. This is your chance to reclaim your power and set the stage for lasting abundance. The opposition between Venus and Uranus brings an electrifying, unpredictable energy to your love life and work. Surprises may arise in both areas, revealing hidden desires or shaking up your usual routines. This could be a day of unexpected revelations, where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and where the mundane suddenly takes on a wild, exciting twist. 

The Full Moon in Aries the 17th is bringing to the surface themes that have been building since April’s Solar Eclipse in Aries. This is a fiery culmination, where passions flare and creative projects reach their peak. This Full Moon may stir up old wounds or intense emotions, but it also offers a chance for profound healing and transformation. Let your inner fire guide you—whether it’s in love, art, or play, this is your time to shine. As Venus moves into your sign on the 17th, your inner adventurer takes flight. This transit is all about embracing the wild energies around you and diving headfirst into new experiences. The call of wanderlust is strong—whether through travel, learning, or simply embracing the unknown, it’s time to answer. The month concludes with a thrilling opposition between Mercury and Uranus, bringing potential shocks and surprises in your work or health routines. This aspect could lead to sudden realisations or unexpected news that shakes up your daily life. Stay open to the twists and turns—they’re part of the cosmic adventure that’s guiding you to new and exciting places. 

Image: Blue Velvet by David Lynch, 1986


The cosmos has you on the brink of profound revelations and transformations—especially as Pluto prepares for its final act in your sign. It’s time to embrace the change, step into the unknown, and let the magic of the unseen guide you. The month kicks off with a Cazimi, casting a brilliant light on your ambitions. This is your moment to shine, where clarity reigns, and your ideas align perfectly with your goals. The world is watching, so make your moves with confidence and grace. Your career is in focus, and this is the perfect time to articulate your vision and set the stage for your next big success. On the 2nd, the Solar Eclipse in your 10th House marks a pivotal shift in your professional life.

This is not just any eclipse—it’s a defining moment, the next chapter in a story that began in April 2023. Are you ready to redefine your role in the world? Relationships may challenge your ambitions, pushing you to find balance between personal connections and professional desires. Your social networks will play a crucial role in this transformation. Let go of outdated career goals and embrace the new opportunities that align with who you’ve become. Pluto, the lord of the underworld, stations direct in your sign for the final time in this lifetime, bringing an end to a transformative era that has shaped your very identity. As Pluto gains momentum, it’s time to step into your power, and use what you’ve learned to forge a new path. This is your rebirth, your chance to rise from the ashes of the old and embrace the future with newfound strength. Remember, from the darkest nights, the brightest stars emerge. 

The opposition between Venus and Uranus brings a jolt of electricity to your social and romantic life. Unpredictable news or sudden changes in your love life could surprise you, but in a way that ultimately shakes you free from the mundane and sparks your passion. Whether it’s a new romantic interest or a creative breakthrough, embrace the excitement—sometimes the unexpected is just what you need to reignite your fire. The Full Moon in Aries on the 17th is bringing to light themes that have been building since April’s Solar Eclipse in Aries. This is a moment of emotional release, where you may need to confront and heal wounds related to your family or personal foundations. The focus is on healing deep-seated issues that have been holding you back. This is also an opportunity for growth. Use this energy to strengthen your emotional core and create a home that truly supports your soul. 

The month concludes with a dramatic opposition between Mercury and Uranus, bringing potential shocks or revelations in your social or romantic life. This aspect could rattle your usual way of thinking, forcing you to see things from a new perspective. Embrace the surprises—whether they arrive through a conversation, a sudden insight, or a dream, they’re pushing you toward a more authentic understanding of your desires and connections. 

Image: Blue Velvet by David Lynch, 1986


This October, your life takes on the eccentric and surreal vibe of David Lynch’s “Blue Velvet,” where the boundaries of reality stretch and twist, revealing the strange and the unexpected at every turn. The universe is inviting you to step into a quirky, innovative world where nothing is quite what it seems, and your unique perspective is the key to navigating this wild ride. The month opens with a dazzling Cazimi. Your mind is on fire with ideas, and the universe is encouraging you to explore new philosophies, dive into expansive thinking, and perhaps even plan that next big adventure. This is your moment to expand your horizons and see the world in vibrant new colours. On the 2nd, the Solar Eclipse in your 9th House acts as a cosmic reset button, urging you to rethink your beliefs, your understanding of the world, and the very foundations of your wisdom. This isn’t just another day in the cosmic calendar—this eclipse is a major plot twist in the story that began in April 2023. You’re being asked to let go of outdated ideas and embrace a more evolved perspective. Your career and public image might also be influenced by these shifts. Keep your mind open—what you learn now could set the stage for a grand reveal by April 2025. 

Jupiter’s retrograde journey offers you a chance to dive deep into your creative projects. Whether through writing, art, or playful self-expression.The opposition between Venus and Uranus, your ruling planet, brings a quirky twist to your love life and professional world. Expect the unexpected —whether it’s a sudden change in your relationship dynamics or an unpredictable event at home, this aspect is here to shake things up in the best way possible. The Full Moon in Aries, the 17th lights up the themes that began around April’s Solar Eclipse in Aries. This is your moment to speak your truth, to let your words burn bright with passion and authenticity. Be mindful of how your message might stir up conflicts in your daily life or work environment. This Full Moon also offers a chance for healing—whether through a meaningful conversation or by finally letting go of a lingering grudge. Use this fiery energy to clear the air and move forward with clarity. Your social life gets a shot of adventurous energy from the 17th. This is a time to connect with like-minded souls, to explore new ideas and dreams, and to let your inner wanderer take the lead. 

The Full Moon in Aries, the 17th lights up the themes that began around April’s Solar Eclipse in Aries. This is your moment to speak your truth, to let your words burn bright with passion and authenticity. Be mindful of how your message might stir up conflicts in your daily life or work environment. This Full Moon also offers a chance for healing—whether through a meaningful conversation or by finally letting go of a lingering grudge. Use this fiery energy to clear the air and move forward with clarity. Your social life gets a shot of adventurous energy from the 17th. This is a time to connect with like-minded souls, to explore new ideas and dreams, and to let your inner wanderer take the lead.

The month wraps up with a dramatic opposition between Mercury and Uranus, bringing unexpected news or insights related to your career or home life. This could be a day of shocking revelations, where you’re forced to rethink your strategies and adjust your plans. But remember, you thrive on change and innovation—use this energy to break free from the ordinary and create something truly extraordinary. 

Image: Blue Velvet by David Lynch, 1986


The line between dream and reality blurs, and every shadowy corner holds a mystery waiting to be uncovered. The universe is calling you to swim in the deep waters of your subconscious, where secrets, desires, and hidden treasures await. The month begins with a Cazimi, casting a mystical light on your innermost desires. This is a moment of clarity in the darkness, where secrets come to the surface and hidden truths are revealed. Let this illumination guide you through the labyrinth of your emotions, helping you understand what lies beneath your deepest fears and desires. On the 2nd, the Solar Eclipse in your 8th House marks a powerful new beginning in how you relate to power, intimacy, and shared resources. This eclipse urges you to release old patterns of dependency and embrace a more balanced, empowering approach to your relationships and finances. There could be some sort of creative tension, pushing you to confront what holds you back from fully expressing your passions. Expanding your horizons—perhaps through learning or travel—will help you navigate these deep waters. Trust that by April 2025, you’ll have unlocked a new level of emotional and financial freedom. 

Jupiter’s retrograde invites you to delve into the hidden blessings nestled within your past and your roots. Until February 2025, this is a time to explore the quiet corners of your home and heart, where untold stories and forgotten dreams may hold the keys to your future. Perhaps through writing, reflection, or simply daydreaming, you’ll uncover messages that guide you toward deeper emotional fulfilment. The opposition between Venus in and Uranus, the 14th, brings an electrifying twist to your love life and communication. Expect the unexpected—whether it’s a surprising message from afar, an unplanned trip, or a sudden realisation about your beliefs, this aspect shakes up your usual way of thinking. Embrace the spontaneity, Pisces—sometimes the most beautiful discoveries come when you least expect them. The Full Moon, the 17th, lights up your moneymaking sector, bringing to fruition the seeds planted around April’s Solar Eclipse in Aries. This lunation is all about financial clarity—whether it’s finally receiving the money you’ve been working towards or re-evaluating your relationship with wealth and security. This Full Moon also offers healing—perhaps a chance to release old wounds around self-worth and to embrace a more empowered view of your resources. While the road may have been rocky, the rewards are now within reach. Let this moonlight guide you to a more prosperous and secure future. 

As Venus moves to the top of your chart, the 17th, the focus shifts to your ambitions and public life. This transit is all about charm, luck, and expansion in your professional world. Don’t be shy about asking for favours or putting yourself in the spotlight—your superiors are likely to take notice of your talents now. The month wraps up with a dramatic opposition between Mercury and Uranus, bringing unexpected news or insights that could shake up your worldview. Whether it’s a sudden revelation during a conversation, a surprise message, or a shift in your beliefs, this aspect is designed to push you out of your comfort zone. Embrace the changes—they’re leading you to a more expansive and enlightened perspective. 

Written by Cosmic Mi
