Corey Hayman, All FTSE No Toes, 2018

Boy oh buoy do we love a pun, and this work by young London-based artist Corey Hayman crams not one but two in a single image. This image—which contains an obvious play on “rude-boy”, with a little nautical twist—is a still from her 2018 video work All FTSE No Toes (we’re not sure we get it, but hey, it’s a pun nonetheless). Work by Corey Hayman is currently on show at Goldsmiths CCA Gallery, in an exhibition entitled Plastic Sounds of Dark Matter (until 11 August), which uses sculpture and sound pieces alongside moving image to explore ideas including “afro-pessimism”, the “hauntology of blackness”, the meaning of progress and capitalism. The use of sound as a vital component within the space aims to investigate the idea of “cultural mash ups”, in the words of the gallery, which adds that “this line of enquiry sits alongside her ongoing use of the animated children’s TV character Rastamouse, who Hayman reads as a commodity who speaks, and a black body caught in a matrix of cultural representation, consumption and entertainment.”