The twenty-third edition of Paris Photo opens tomorrow, and the international photo fair runs until Sunday at the Grand Palais on the banks of the Seine. The Frieze of the photo world, Paris Photo brings the world’s leading galleries together under one roof, with a programme of talks and special sectors (don’t miss the second edition of Curiosa, curated this year by Osei Bonsu). There are endless arresting images on show as you might expect—spanning a period of more than a century in the medium—but this image by Gyula Holics stopped us in our tracks. Shot in 1954, the minimalist photograph Two Eggs
proves that the humble ova are the perfect photographic subject—and this could be the perfect portrait of them. Peeled, taut and poised on a plate, Holics presents eggs as both fearsome and fertile, simple and sublime. The late Hungarian artist is known for his noirish modernist still lifes. The photograph is on show at Vintage Galéria’s booth.