Who are the arts really for? Over the years at Elephant we have often returned to this same question, faced as we are with an art world that is pockmarked with privilege. Elephant magazine was established a decade ago it got its name from the idiom “the elephant in the room”; arguably, that unspoken problem is now accessibility and inclusivity in the arts.
Attitudes towards the arts and who it belongs to need to change, and change has always been rooted in education. Yet increasingly, institutions offering arts education are in crisis. Funding is dwindling, pushing prices up and many people out. For those who have had a traditional arts education, many end up disappointed or don’t feel catered for. Without any alternatives, what is the future of culture?
“Attitudes towards the arts and who it belongs to need to change, and change has always been rooted in education”
There is no single way to be an artist. Some of the world’s greatest artists were self-taught, or attended pioneering alternative schools of their era, while other artists started their own academies.
In these unprecedented times, we launched Elephant Academy because we believe that everyone should have the chance to study art at some point in their life. Everyone should have access to the benefits that come from art and culture, that aren’t limited to those who want to turn it into their profession. Art can teach us how to communicate with and better understand the world; it can impart lessons about resilience and empathy. It can be a way to simply tune out from the chaos that surrounds us and find joy in our surroundings. These are things that everyone should have the opportunity to experience.
Whatever your background or ambitions, wherever you live in the world, whatever your age, Elephant Academy allows you to circumvent the conventional arts education and develop new skills in the comfort of your own home environment. All of our courses are designed to be affordable (and include a package of materials sent to your door) and are led by experienced practitioners who have each blazed their own trails and will inspire you on your own journey.