If there were ever a lovely day for a Guinness, it’s today: so happy St Patrick’s day, one and all. This now-iconic piece of advertising was created by John Gilroy in the 1930s, and is an early example of how pertinent the brand’s approach to advertising has always been. It’s no exaggeration to say that Gilroy’s illustrations cemented Guinness’s reputation as not only the most Irish drink ever, but one of the most savvily marketed ones (see also, Jonathan Glazer’s dramatic 1999 black and white surf/horse-based TV spot
). “His philosophy was somebody sitting on the top deck of a bus going past a hoarding should be able to quickly recognise the poster. You had to keep it simple, high impact, colourful, amusing,” said David Hughes, a former Guinness employee who has written several books about Gilroy and the brand.