Juno Calypso, What To Do With a Million Years, 2018

Sunday blues… In 2018, British photographer Juno Calypso took a stay in the underground mansion of Avon Cosmetics founder Gerry Henderson, now owned by members of the cryonics movement. There, she produced an eerie series of typically stylised self-portraits, the air of malaise so often present in her work enhanced by the strangeness of the location. “At first, I was quite cynical about it, thinking how funny and weird it was,” she told Charlotte Jansen of the experience in Elephant Issue 40. “But then when I was actually down there alone, taking photos, I started reading some of the books [they had] on cryogenics and I started to feel really morbid and sad… It’s like they couldn’t accept that death is the end of it.”

Photo courtesy of TJ Boulting