On a Scale of Cold Professionalism to Heartfelt Compassion, Where Do You Fall in September’s Cosmic Calling? 

Credit: Leon The Professional directed by Luc Besson, 1994 via Pinterest

September’s horoscope is inspired by the gritty elegance and emotional depth of Luc Besson’s Léon: The Professional. Let’s dive into a month where the cosmos urges us to embrace transformation, let go of the past, and take meticulous steps towards our future. Channel your inner Léon and Mathilda—balance your cold professionalism with heartfelt passion.


Transformation and Release

Pluto’s last dance in Capricorn until November 20th marks the end of a 16-year cycle of power shifts. Corporations have evolved, tech is starting to take the reins—now, it’s the people’s turn to harness this energy. Uranus also turns retrograde — instead of bottling up your eccentricities, use them to fuel your art. Pluto and Uranus are the universe’s dark, unpredictable cheerleaders, urging you to transform, release, and rebirth. It’s a cosmic cleansing—embrace it. Feeling pulled in a thousand directions? Early September we could be feeling overstimulated and restless. Slow down, take one step at a time, and don’t forget—details matter. Maybe it is time to bid adieu to past relationships that no longer serve you. Focus on what’s good for you. Relationships should be about responsibility, maturity, trust, and reliability, not just glamour and glitz. The New Moon in Virgo on the 3rd demands meticulous planning and responsibility. Set your goals, and don’t skip the details. What you plant now will bloom by the corresponding full moon next March, which happens to be a potent lunar eclipse. Write down a list. Every detail counts. 


Emotional Honesty and Clarity

Mars moves into Cancer, the 5th, urging us to act from the heart. Honour your emotions, but beware of passive-aggressiveness. Intuition is our ally now. Mercury’s move into Virgo, the 9th, sharpens our communication. We have had a Mercury retrograde in August, so Mercury has already been swaying around in Virgo since late July. This brought major technological hiccups, miscommunication, and blasts from the past. With Mercury now back in Virgo, precision and clarity are our tools for navigating September’s challenges. Still, from the 14th, love and communication are in the stars. Use your wit and charm to get what you desire. Spend time with loved ones and let your ideas flourish.


Major Shifts and Partnerships

The month crescendos with a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on the 18th, stirring emotional intensity. This is the climax of the month, if not the entire season. Eclipses are cosmic game changers, accelerating fated events. Some of us could be feeling the effects three months before and after the actual event, as the eclipse portal intensifies change. With this eclipse in ethereal Pisces, dreams can take ground if we approach them realistically while staying visionary. Breakthroughs and unexpected transformations are within reach. This will be a moment of profound spiritual and personal shift. Think back what trend started for you back in March this year. 

Energy shifts with the equinox 22+23, marking the change of seasons no matter where you are in the world. Just as a flower blooms in its season, so do feelings change. The equinox coincides with Libra season, also known as partner season. Mercury the communicator also enters Libra, ushering in an era of harmony and balance. It’s time for creative collaboration. As Venus seductively glides into Scorpio on the 22nd, the Medusa transit of the stars commences. It’s a celestial dance of pure animal magnetism, a femme fatale of Venus signs igniting the scene. Channel the passion into meaningful art, and let your eyes speak the unspoken tales of desire. 

September is a month of transformation, precision, and heartfelt connections. Like Léon and Mathilda, navigate your world with a blend of toughness and tenderness. Let the stars guide your professional finesse and personal growth.

Credit: Leon The Professional directed by Luc Besson, 1994 via Pinterest



This month, you’re in for a transformative journey that will light up your subconscious and shake up your career path. The energy is intense, with Mars driving your curiosity and ambition while Pluto and Uranus stir up deep, subconscious changes. This is a monumental time for all signs, but especially for you. On a hidden, subconscious level, you’re being called to explore the health of your psyche, soul, and inner dreams—ultimately, your true calling. Pluto’s last dance in Capricorn, your career house, marks the end of a 16-year cycle of deep transformation. You’re questioning the next transformative step in your career. As we stand on the brink of a new world with new resources and opportunities, how will you create wealth for the future? Writing might stir up a storm of emotions, but it’s essential to get your thoughts down. Allow ideas to flow without judgment, then revisit them later with fresh eyes. Your ideas might be ahead of their time, so give yourself space to process your prophetic insights. Let go of relationships—both in love and business—that have served their purpose. Next month, a brand-new, fated door opens, inviting partnerships that align with your values and ignite your fire. On the 3rd, use the New Moon in Virgo to organise your life for the long term. Clear out clutter and create a dedicated workspace where you can focus. In the next six months, the environment you create will be crucial to your success. Just like a flower blooms in the right habitat, so will you. A collaboration with a partner in love or business could inspire you to create, write, and learn. This is about enjoying what you do and having fun while doing it. 

The month crescendos with a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, stirring emotional intensity. Take this day for stillness and meditation, allowing you to access the well of creative, and lucrative ideas within you. Eclipse season is a time of major change, speeding up fated events. With this eclipse, your dreams can begin to take shape if you balance vision with realism. Transformation is on the cards, even if you don’t fully feel it yet. By the 22nd, partner season begins for you. For singles, this is a time to put yourself out there—make it happen, take action, and don’t forget to have fun. Next month, the universe blesses all your relationships and new beginnings in love and business. It’s a magical time to partner up.

Credit: Leon The Professional directed by Luc Besson, 1994 via Pinterest



This month, you’re in for a transformative journey that will challenge your routines and push you to redefine your sense of freedom and creativity. With a powerful Lunar Eclipse on the horizon, it’s time to explore what truly makes you feel alive and connected. It’s time to dive deep into your inner self and perhaps update your belief system. Over the last 16 years, you’ve lived through a variety of experiences, and with Pluto’s final grind in Capricorn, you’re getting one last deep dive into how you truly want to live. Routines are essential, but don’t let them imprison you. Freedom is key—whether that means pursuing your passions solo or with a partner who supports your true self. This month, focus on what makes you feel good and healthy. On the 3rd, you may encounter something in your daily routine that’s been holding you back—cut it out, whether it’s a habit or a person.

A glorious New Moon lights up your creative center on the 3rd, making this the perfect time to set long-term intentions for your creative projects, romance, or even parenthood. This is a powerful moment to focus your energy on what truly matters. Some of you might commit to a creative group project, while others could explore alternative options for starting a family. Whatever your focus, give yourself six months to work out the details and resources needed—by the corresponding full moon, which is an eclipse, you’ll see powerful results. On the 14th, look out for opportunities to make some extra cash. Stay informed, keep your eyes open, and be ready to seize these chances as they arise.

The month crescendos with a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, stirring emotional intensity within your friendships and social network. A dream close to your heart could finally come true—perhaps a long-awaited journey, a new study endeavour, or stepping into a leadership role within a group. This eclipse is about breaking free from old limitations and embracing the limitless possibilities life offers. The funds you desire might not arrive immediately, but they’re on their way. Eclipses are cosmic game changers, so keep a realistic yet visionary approach, and watch your dreams take root in ways you never expected. As the equinox brings an energy shift, it’s the perfect time to adjust your routines to align with the changing seasons. Just as a flower blooms in its own time, so too should you. Embrace the changes, knowing that every season has its purpose. By the 22nd, as Venus moves into Scorpio, the focus shifts to partnerships and relationships. Sweet times are ahead—love is in the air, so enjoy the connection and deepen your bonds.

Credit: Leon The Professional directed by Luc Besson, 1994 via Pinterest



This is a big career month for you. If you started a new job or made a career change around March, you might begin to see the fruits of your labor now. Last month may have felt chaotic with Mercury retrograde, bringing confusion and delays, but this month, it’s time to move forward with focus and energy. Pluto re-enters Capricorn for its final dance, giving you one last deep dive into your finances, investments, and long-term security. It’s time to get a hard look at your financial situation and prepare for the future. The world is changing rapidly, and staying informed is key. Use this time to explore new markets and technologies—knowledge is power. On the same day, Uranus goes retrograde, prompting you to explore your inner world. This is a time for spiritual epiphanies and deep introspection. Uranus and Pluto are teaming up to help you transform and let go of old patterns. Use this period for personal cleansing and rebuilding your mindset. It’s time to release unfulfilling romantic ideals or infatuations that have outlived their purpose. Focus on what truly inspires you. Creatively, don’t hold on to nostalgic projects—innovate and embrace creative freedom. You might discover that you can create just as effectively solo as with a partner, and a new creative collaborator could be on the horizon.

The New Moon on the 3rd lights up your home and family sector, making it a perfect time to update your living situation. Whether you’re thinking about a move due to a career decision or simply wanting to refresh your space, this is the moment to start planning. Declutter, create a dedicated workspace, and set intentions for the next six months. This New Moon is the beginning of a cycle that will culminate in a powerful full moon eclipse by next March, bringing significant changes. Mark the 14th as a standout day. It’s a great time for creative breakthroughs and romantic connections. Don’t hide—get out there and embrace your natural charm.

The month crescendos with a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, bringing emotional intensity and significant shifts in your career. This is a time of major change and fated events that propel you toward your destiny. Whether you’re reaching a new status or considering a change in direction, this eclipse could bring unexpected breakthroughs. Reflect on your journey—do you want to keep climbing, or is it time to dive into new possibilities? Take time to meditate and listen to your inner voice. As the equinox arrives, so does a boundless, creative, and romantic time for you. This energy shift is a reminder that just like a flower blooms in its season, so too do you. Embrace the changing seasons, cherish the moments, and create in harmony with nature. 

Credit: Leon The Professional directed by Luc Besson, 1994 via Pinterest



This month, you’re revisiting the intense transformations that have shaped your relationships and inner world since 2008. With Pluto making its final pass through Capricorn, you’re closing out a 16-year cycle of deep change in your partnerships. It’s time to reflect on these experiences and embrace the final lessons before moving forward. Pluto’s return to Capricorn until November 20th offers one last chance to process these profound highs and lows, which have made you stronger and more intuitive. Meanwhile, Uranus turning retrograde encourages you to reorganise your friendships and connections. Declutter your social circle and focus on those who inspire and align with your growth. It’s also time to let go of outdated family dynamics or ideals. Take what you cherish and create your own unique family environment. Mark the 3rd as a significant day to start a writing project, pursue a new skill, or collaborate with an international partner. The New Moon in Virgo is perfect for setting long-term goals, especially those that can bring financial rewards. With patience and endurance, what you start now will have a lasting impact, culminating in powerful results by March’s full moon eclipse. From the 5th, Mars enters your sign, fuelling your drive and ambition. It’s your moment to step out from behind the scenes and take action. Whether it’s representing yourself, pushing a project forward, or reaching new career milestones, use this energy to shine and inspire others. Mars powers you up until early November.

Mercury supports your communication from the 9th, making it an ideal time for writing, creating, and connecting. Short trips can offer fresh perspectives and invigorate your creative process. Positive news regarding a family or living situation could come around the 14th, so embrace any changes with optimism. The month crescendos with a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, stirring deep emotional currents. This eclipse could bring a significant breakthrough in something you want to publish, an international opportunity, or a faraway journey. Eclipses are cosmic game changers, so approach your dreams with a blend of realism and vision. Embrace the unexpected—this could be a transformative moment for your career or personal life. A friend or potential partner might surprise you with support or an exciting opportunity.

As the equinox arrives on 21+22, a shift in energy encourages you to refresh your home routines and foundations. Consider updating your living situation, with more focus on this area coming in early October. Just like a flower blooms in its season, embrace the changing feelings and energy of this time. The month ends on a high note as Venus moves into your 5th house of creativity, love, and romance. Joy, passion, and fervour flood into your life—channel these into creative projects and let your heart lead the way.

Credit: Leon The Professional directed by Luc Besson, 1994 via Pinterest



Something big is brewing regarding money, particularly related to other people’s money or investments. A significant transformation is on the horizon this month. Pluto re-enters Capricorn for the last time in 260 years, closing out a 16-year cycle that’s been shaking up your routines, habits, and comfort zone. This is the universe’s final push for you to break bad habits, and take your daily routines seriously. It’s about self-love and self-betterment. Now is the time to let go of one-sided relationships, especially in the workplace. Don’t hold onto people who drain you. On the same day, Uranus, your relationship ruler, goes retrograde, prompting you to reevaluate your career environment and the people in it. It’s time to assess who truly supports you and who doesn’t. The New Moon on September 3, is all about making more money and securing a new source of income. It’s time to meticulously plan for the long term. You may face challenges with finding the right people to help with your project, but don’t despair. Focus on your own role and determination to succeed. The most important player in this venture is you. The results of your hard work will start to manifest in six months at the corresponding full moon, which will be a powerful eclipse.

You’ll be working behind the scenes on important matters—share your progress when you’re ready. August may have been messy, particularly with finances, but now it’s time to get a clear view of your money situation. You’re generous, but it’s essential to have control over your finances. Take a moment to review where you’ve been overspending or where you might have been taken advantage of. This clarity will help you maintain your financial well-being. September 14th is a beautiful day to spend time with friends, whether it’s a weekend trip or a dinner party.

The month reaches its peak with a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, stirring emotional intensity, particularly around finances. A financial chapter, possibly related to an inheritance or property sale, could be closing. This eclipse might bring conflicts but will ultimately lead to new friendships and opportunities. It’s a time to recognise the rewards of your hard-earned efforts. Eclipses in the eighth house are intense, often bringing soul-searching and the need for transformation. This is your moment to let go of old burdens and embrace new possibilities. As the equinox arrives, bringing Libra season, you’ll feel an energy shift. Embrace the changes that come with the new season. From the 22nd, you’ll enjoy more good times at home and with family. Use this period to nurture your closest relationships and find comfort in your personal space. 

Credit: Leon The Professional directed by Luc Besson, 1994 via Pinterest



This is a groundbreaking month for you, especially in your relationships. With Virgo season in full swing until the 23rd, all eyes are on you. Last month might have been a bit messy with Mercury retrograde(in your sign), bringing up past issues and people. However, as Mercury moves direct in your sign from the 9-27, you’ll find it easier to move forward without delays. Since 2008, Pluto has been pushing you to transform your views on romance, relationships, and what truly brings you joy. This transit through your fifth house has been intense, especially in matters of the heart. Pluto’s energy is all about deep change, making you rethink how you approach love, creativity, and passion. It’s been a tough ride, revealing toxic connections and challenging you to clear out anything that no longer aligns with your authentic self. As Pluto re-enters Capricorn for its final pass until November 20th, this is your last chance to embrace these lessons and prepare for the next chapter. It’s time to let go of trying to achieve perfect balance, especially in your finances. Instead, focus on enjoying life and investing in what truly matters. Perfection isn’t the goal—presence and intention are what create real balance in your life.

Mark the 3rd as your personal New Year, Virgo. This New Moon in your sign is a powerful moment to set new intentions, especially in your relationships. You might feel some tension with your career or need to reassess your business partnerships. It’s time to focus on what you want and let go of what doesn’t serve you. By March, next year, when the corresponding full moon eclipse occurs in your sign, you’ll see the powerful results of what you begin now. New moon, new you. From the 5th, Mars energises your social life, making it a great time to take action on causes that matter to you. Whether it’s organising a charity event or rallying people for a communal cause, you’re in a strong position to lead and inspire. The 14th is a five-star day for reaching out globally or online. Whether it’s for support, collaboration, or exploring new opportunities, this is a day to connect and expand your horizons.

The month crescendos with a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, stirring emotional intensity in your relationships. This eclipse could bring major changes—whether deepening intimacy, facing emotional shocks, or even breaking up. It’s a time to reassess your partnerships, both personal and professional. Be open to new creative collaborations and consider international opportunities. This eclipse is a cosmic game changer, and what unfolds now could have long-lasting effects on your relationships and creative pursuits. As Virgo season wraps up on the 21st-22nd, we enter Libra season, coinciding with the equinox. This energy shift is a reminder that just as seasons change, so do feelings and circumstances. Embrace the new season with grace and be open to the shifts it brings. Embrace the changes in your relationships, both personal and professional, and take advantage of the powerful energies at play. This is your time to redefine what truly makes you happy and to align your life accordingly.

Credit: By Shusaku Takaoka from Leon The Professional directed by Luc Besson, 1994 via Pinterest



This month is big for you, but next month promises to be even bigger. As Libra season begins on the 22nd, aligning with the equinox, you become the conductor of the seasonal change, setting the tone of love, partnership, and balance for all signs. Family dynamics and home situations are undergoing a final transformative shift. With Pluto making its last pass through Capricorn, the 16-year cycle of deep transformation in your home life is coming to a close by November 20th. Now is the time to rethink your foundations—don’t feel obligated to continue old traditions if they no longer serve you. On the same day, Uranus goes retrograde in your house of shared resources, inheritances, and debts. This is a time for deep personal transformation, letting go of what no longer serves you, and embracing the unpredictable. Use this period for a soul-cleansing and perspective shift. There could be some stress early this month, possibly related to a partner who is far away. Compromise may be necessary to resolve any tensions. Reflect on your values and boundaries in relationships. What’s outdated and no longer serving your authentic self? It’s time to let go of the need to please everyone. Focus on pleasing yourself first, and you’ll naturally align with the right people. 

The New Moon on the 3rd is a perfect time for introspection. Meditate on your health, routines, and what truly benefits you. Be open to new insights and inspirations, and remember to be kind to yourself—progress is made one step at a time. By adopting a new way of living, you’ll see beautiful results within six months, culminating in a powerful full moon eclipse. Mars moves to the top of your chart on the 5th, fuelling your ambition and drive in your career. This is a time to passionately pursue your goals, and you may receive fiery support from a partner to help make your dreams come true.

Mark the 14th as a five-star day to seek support from someone overseas or a mentor. Venus in your sign enhances your charm—don’t be shy about asking for what you need.

The month crescendos with a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, stirring emotional intensity. This eclipse could bring major changes in your job, health, or daily routines. Eclipses are cosmic game changers, speeding up fated events. Approach your dreams with a blend of realism and vision, and be prepared for breakthroughs in areas you might not have expected. By October, you’ll have your own personal solar eclipse, bringing even more light and transformation to your life. Your season begins on the 21st-22nd. This energy shift is the start of a new cycle for you, bringing balance and renewal and a whole lot of focus on you. By the 22nd, Venus moves into Scorpio, encouraging you to invest in yourself. Spend on things that boost your confidence and make you feel powerful.

Credit: Leon The Professional directed by Luc Besson, 1994 via Pinterest



This is a game-changing month for you, Scorpio. Whether it’s a peaking creative project, an infatuating romance, or even the conception or birth of a child, your life is about to transform in magical ways. Choose one, two, or all three—this month is about embracing profound shifts. We kick off the month with Pluto, your planetary ruler, making its final journey through Capricorn. Until November, you’ll be laser-focused on how you communicate, learn, and even the experiences you have during short trips. This period may also lead you to reevaluate your relationships and how conventional or unconventional you want them to be. You can’t control others, but you can control how much time and energy you invest. Your actions may not always align with your family’s expectations, but remember—you can’t please everyone. Take time to meditate, release guilt, and shed any baggage that no longer serves you. The New Moon on the 3rd is a glorious time for building purposeful friendships. This serious yet promising New Moon in your social sector encourages you to connect with new people who can significantly impact your purpose, career, and reputation. While you may not feel eager to meet new faces, these connections could become invaluable. Over the next six months, you could find yourself surrounded by people who align with your interests and values—friends for life. Don’t miss out on opportunities through travel to make these meaningful connections.

Now for the big moment: The month crescendos with a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, stirring deep emotional intensity. This is when the magic happens—whether through a creative project reaching its peak, an all-consuming romance, or the arrival of a child, your life could change dramatically. Eclipses are cosmic game changers, accelerating fated events. With this one, your dreams can take root if you balance vision with realism. Expect breakthroughs and transformations in areas you never imagined. By the 22nd, love planet Venus moves into your sign, turning on your natural magnetism to the max. This is a time to love and admire yourself—perhaps even treat yourself to a wardrobe update to feel extra fabulous. The glow is yours, Scorpio. Use it to your advantage. 

Credit: Leon The Professional directed by Luc Besson, 1994 via Pinterest



With Jupiter in your partnership house, the universe is blessing you with inspiring connections in both love and business. Since late May, Jupiter has been your cosmic matchmaker, so put yourself out there! New opportunities, possibly even a new career or business, could arise from someone you meet. This trend continues until May next year, so make the most of it. Pluto’s final return to Capricorn, inner lifetime, dives into your second house of income and self-worth. This is your last chance to transform how you earn and view your value. Make adjustments to your daily routines and maximise your earning potential—time is money, after all. Be cautious of miscommunication with your partner early in the month. Small disputes could arise, but they’re likely just a matter of crossed wires. It’s time to let go of connections that no longer align with your goals or ideals. Remember, time is money, and life isn’t a pity party. Mark the 3rd as a key date for starting a new chapter in your career. A New Moon offers a refreshing start—focus on your goals and think globally. Whether you’re working from home or launching a project with a partner, what you begin now will have lasting power. Expect to see tangible results by March 2025 at the corresponding full moon, which will be a fated eclipse. From the 9th, your focus shifts to your career and how to build assets. You’ll be detail-oriented, combining analytical thinking with emotional intelligence. Trust your gut, and don’t hesitate to seek help from a friend who’s more experienced. For singles, a friend might introduce you to someone special.

The month crescendos with a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, stirring emotional intensity. You may need to update your living situation due to family matters, a partner, or a career change. This is a moment of maturity—dream big, but stay realistic. Eclipses are cosmic game changers, accelerating fated events. With this eclipse, your dreams can take root if you balance vision with practicality. Expect breakthroughs in unexpected areas. The equinox brings an energy shift, reminding you that just like a flower blooms in its season, so too do your feelings and circumstances evolve. Embrace the change and allow yourself to grow.

Credit: Leon The Professional directed by Luc Besson, 1994 via Pinterest



This month, Capricorn, the universe is urging you to express yourself authentically and artistically. With Pluto making one final pass through your sign, you’re at the end of a 16-year cycle of intense transformation. Pluto has been building your character and strength through both light and dark. Now, with Uranus retrograde in your creative house, it’s time to channel your eccentricities into your art. The cosmos is pushing you to transform, release, and embrace rebirth—welcome this cosmic cleansing. It’s also time to gracefully let go of an outdated career ideal or job. Saying goodbye with class will ensure you’re remembered as a legend. Updating your reputation means releasing what no longer serves you—don’t cling to the past. Are you dreaming of a faraway journey? The New Moon on the 3rd is the perfect time to plan a long-term trip or even consider living abroad. Whether it’s a trip or a new life chapter, this is your moment to set plans in motion. If you’re thinking about going back to school or embarking on a new educational journey, now is the time to focus your energy and make it happen. Expect some friction in your partnerships, whether in love or business. However, this can  also brings more action and passion—use this energy constructively.

The 14th is a prime day to seek help or favours from superiors, especially regarding your career. Remember, if you never ask, the answer will always be no. Take advantage of this energy to advance your ambitions. The big moment of the month arrives with the Lunar Eclipse on September 18. This is your time to feel worthy and confident about a new skill or project. Even if things seem dull at first, with a bit of trust and less self-doubt, you’ll find that learning and creating can become exciting again. For some, a fated weekend trip could offer a new perspective. Don’t underestimate your abilities—sometimes starting from zero can lead to something beautiful. Eclipses are cosmic game changers, propelling you toward your destiny. This one offers a chance for your dreams to take root if you balance vision with realism. Breakthroughs are within reach.

The equinox 21+22 brings an energy shift, signalling a renewal of your career and reputation. Just as a flower blooms in its season, so too do you. Embrace the changing seasons and allow yourself to evolve. Look to your friends for support as Venus moves into Scorpio. They can empower you and serve as your cheerleaders on this transformative journey. 

Credit: Leon The Professional directed by Luc Besson, 1994 via Pinterest



This month, the spotlight is on money. Whether you’re at rock bottom looking to build wealth from scratch, this is a historic moment to start. Desperation can spark the best ideas, and sometimes it’s what opens up new perspectives. New opportunities for long-term investing are also on the horizon. Use the early part of the month to review your financial foundations. You might feel like you need more resources to fulfil your creative projects, but think again. The power lies in making the most of what you already have. 

Your creativity isn’t limited by material resources—let your imagination lead the way. It’s time to let go of something internationally based—perhaps a long-distance lover, a belief system, or a lingering thought. These subtle blockages need clearing to open up new paths. Mark the 3rd as a golden opportunity to create a long-term income source, possibly with the help of a financial advisor or partner. A more conservative approach to your finances and projects, focusing on sustainability, will pay off. Expect the first results by March next year.

After the New Moon, you’ll have a burst of energy for creative projects and romantic pursuits. This is also a time for exciting adventures with your children, so let your inner child out to play and explore new avenues. Embrace what comes your way as you expand your horizons. The month crescendos with a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, stirring emotional intensity and shaking up your financial sources. One income stream might close, but another, more aligned with your passions, could open. Listen to your inner voice—there’s a well of creative energy waiting to be tapped. Eclipses are cosmic game changers, accelerating fated events, so take your time as you pursue making money doing what you love. Breakthroughs are within reach.

Your career and reputation sweeten as Venus moves into Scorpio on the 22nd, lighting up the top of your chart. Charm is on your side—ask for favours, make connections, and let your charisma shine. 

Credit: Leon The Professional directed by Luc Besson, 1994 via Pinterest



This is your moment, Pisces! The universe has set the stage, and you’re the star. With a Lunar Eclipse in your sign this month, you’re the molten lava erupting as September’s climax. Fated, much-needed changes are on the horizon—get ready to embrace them. 

The month begins with a deep dive into friendships and social circles. Pluto’s final return asks you to evaluate these connections—are they pushing you to grow, or holding you back? Uranus retrograde urges you to innovate or rebel in how you connect with others. Some people may no longer inspire you, and that’s okay. Seek out those who align with your evolving self. Watch for tensions at home. Mars squaring Neptune could spark disputes, but channel this energy into something creative—remodel or redecorate your space. Let go of anything that no longer serves you, especially financial dependencies. It’s time to stand on your own. Intimately, close one chapter and open another—beauty and balance will follow. Mark the 3rd as a pivotal day to set long-term intentions in partnerships. Partnership isn’t just about the honeymoon phase; it’s about weathering storms together. Choose wisely who you spend your time with. By March, you’ll see the fruits of your dedication—embrace the details and imperfections of human connection.

After this New Moon, life lightens up. Expect more fun, creativity, and pleasure, especially with your partner. Even your home becomes a haven for beautiful, intimate moments. Communication will be smooth, a welcome change from August’s chaos. The month crescendos with the Lunar Eclipse in your sign on September 18, stirring emotional intensity like never before. This is the climax of the month—perhaps the entire season. Eclipses are cosmic game changers, accelerating fated events. You might already feel the effects, and they’ll linger for months. This ultra-personal eclipse lets your dreams take form if you balance vision with realism. Breakthroughs and unexpected transformations are within reach. Reflect on what began in March—how has your life evolved? This is your time to take full responsibility and turn visions into reality. The universe has chosen you as the main star this month—use these cosmic energies to your advantage. Communication is key, so keep learning and adapting to the changing world. Be a pillar in creating a new order for a better future. Significant support could come from your network or a close friend. While disagreements at home may arise due to fear of the unknown, this is your chance to build your personal foundations and take full charge of your life.

Written by Cosmic Mi