Corrie Baldauf

‘My circle drawings are an abstract form of portraiture. They are also timelines or methods for recording months to several years of external stimuli. The circular marks evolve in my search to record time, quantities, and experiences in a visible form. Consider the visual difference between looking at a crowd of people funneling out of a concert or a train station versus seeing a list of numbers that records these actions. I found that drawing a cloud formation of layered tally marks gives a sense of time, rhythm and the footprint of a crowd in one image.

This autumn I will bring my portable drawing project from Detroit to London. City, pigment and conversation will inspire a new body of circle drawings and paintings created over the course of my residency at Griffin Gallery.

During my residency I will record the marks I am able to make based on the length and wingspan of my arms. Imagine Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man in combination with the action of making a snow angel. Color pigments will be used to code and symbolize contrasts I find between the privacy of my studio and the stimuli of London.’