The World Is Your Oyster This Cancer Season


Universal – Get ready to dive into the cosmic ocean of Cancer season, where the waves of emotion crash against the shores of your soul. Let’s shell-ebrate life and swim with the tides of synchronicities! On Monday, as Mercury squares Neptune, our scattered brains may turn us into walking punchlines. With Pluto and Saturn in retrograde, it’s time for some deep reflection mixed with slow-motion action. Just remember, even if our thoughts are all over the place, we can still make a splash! As Wednesday rolls in, Cancer season makes its grand entrance, bringing an emotion ocean for us to frolic in. It’s a time to feel all the feels and soak up the sun’s energy during the summer solstice. The Summer Solstice carries both astrological and poetic significance, representing a time of heightened energy, creativity, and connection with nature.The crab symbol (69) reminds us that what we give, we shall receive – a perfect excuse to shell out some loving. Mercury and Mars join forces in a perfect alignment, creating a harmonious symphony of thoughts and action. It’s a breezy time where we can sail through the week with wit and grace. So, let your words and deeds dance together in the cosmic rhythm! Venus and Mars are also still in close proximity getting our action moves fired up. On Thursday, Jupiter and Saturn team up like a celestial duo of luck and karma. It’s a powerful combination that urges us to take a leap of faith and go for greatness. With the elements of earth and water mingling, a pool of endless possibilities awaits. Dive in headfirst and watch the universe reward your bravery. Remember, the bigger the splash, the greater the chance for success! As Sunday approaches, Mercury squares Neptune, urging us to cut through illusions and take realistic action. It’s time to separate fact from fiction and dive deep into the ocean of truth. During this Cancer season, let’s ride the waves of emotion, and remember that life is an ever-changing beach party. Put on a smile and make a splash in the cosmic ocean of possibilities!




Image credit: Jellyfish Happiness by JCT Li
Creativity, pleasure, and romance are in the air. Hot summer flings and infatuations may ignite, adding a touch of drama to your life and fuelling your creative fire. Monday is creating a cosmic clash between your mind and illusions. Stay on your toes and keep your wits about you as you navigate through the foggy waters of uncertainty. As Wednesday arrives, it’s Cancer Season, and your emotional ocean is calling. Dive deep into your feelings and enjoy some downtime at home, reconnecting with your loved ones. It’s the perfect time to host lovely dinner parties and feel the warmth of heartfelt connections. Make sure to invite some new faces to spice things up. With your magnetic energy, your dinner parties will be the talk of the town!

Keep a notepad handy because your mind is about to be flooded with brilliant thoughts. Don’t let them slip away – capture them and let them fuel your creative endeavors. On Thursday, Jupiter sends positive beams to Saturn, boosting your self-worth and helping you focus on the essentials. Embrace moments of introspection and meditate to tap into a spiritual epiphany. You’re on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, and the cosmos has your back. So, trust in your worth and let your inner fire shine!

As Sunday approaches don’t let overthinking cloud your judgment. Trust the answers that come to you, even if they seem a bit hazy. Sometimes, the most profound truths are found in the midst of uncertainty. Embrace the unknown and let your intuition guide you.


Image credit: Pinterest



Get ready to ride the waves of Cancer season as it washes over your soul and nurtures your roots. It’s time to build a cozy nest and heal any family wounds that may be holding you back. So, roll up your sleeves and let the healing begin! On Monday, the Sun squares Neptune, and a dispute with a friend may be getting you annoyed. Keep calm and remember that communication is key. Don’t let Neptune’s illusions cloud your judgment. As Cancer season arrives, feel all the feels and connect deeply with your environment. Take time to appreciate the love and warmth in your neighborhood. It’s also a fantastic time for short trips that rejuvenate your soul and ignite your sense of adventure. So, pack your bags and set sail on a mini getaway! By the weekend, you may experience increased expenses related to your home and family trips. These investments are worth it in the long run. Whether it’s renovating your space or creating unforgettable memories with loved ones, your heart will be full, even if your wallet feels a bit lighter.

On Thursday, Jupiter sends positive beams to Saturn, aligning your networking stars with your creative dreams. It’s time to connect with the right people who can propel you forward in your creative pursuits. Your charm and determination will open doors and pave the way to success. So, surround yourself with those who believe in your talents and watch your dreams blossom! As Sunday approaches, Neptune’s hazy energy may leave you feeling overwhelmed by the numerous opportunities coming your way. Trust in divine timing and have faith that the right opportunity will present itself when the time is right. Remember, you hold the power to make choices that align with your heart’s desires. Let the waves of emotion guide you to a place of authenticity and joy. Trust that the universe has your back. Your foundations are strong, and your dreams are within reach. So, dive in and make the choice for a brighter future!

Image credit: by Mariko Kusumoto



Get ready for pure excitement as Mercury takes center stage in your sign. You are ready to dive headfirst into all the fun and engaging conversations that come your way. On Monday, the Sun squares Neptune, adding a touch of cosmic confusion to your energetic persona. Stay on your toes and beware of Neptune’s tricks. Keep your communication clear to avoid any misunderstandings. As Wednesday arrives, it’s Cancer Season, and the emotion ocean is calling you to feel all the feels. Embrace the depths of your emotions and let them flow freely. Your wit and charm are on fire, making you the life of the party wherever you go. Engage in stimulating conversations, share your ideas, and let your quick thinking shine.

On Thursday, Jupiter sends positive vibes to Saturn, creating a powerful alliance between your spiritual growth and your dreams of success. Tap into your subconscious, explore your hidden talents, and let your imagination go wild. You have the potential to make your dreams a reality. So, dream big and take bold steps towards your ambitions! As Sunday approaches, Neptune’s misty energy may make you feel a bit lost in the fog. Trust your intuition and go with the flow. The answers you seek may not be crystal clear, but that’s where the magic lies. Embrace the unknown and let your imagination guide you towards new and exciting possibilities. Remember, the world is your oyster, it’s time to slurp it.


Image credit: somewhereiwouldliketolive



It’s your time to shine as the Sun enters Cancer, coinciding with the radiant summer solstice. Get ready to bloom, baby! It’s your time to embrace self-care and experience a beautiful rebirth!
On Monday, the Sun squares Neptune, creating a cosmic clash between your inner self and your spiritual aspirations. Keep your feet on the ground while still reaching for the stars. Don’t let Neptune’s illusions distract you from your destined path. Stay true to yourself and navigate the hazy waters with grace. Feel all the feels, my dears! Dive deep into the well of your emotions and let them guide you. It’s time to embrace your sensitivity, vulnerability, and nurturing nature. Embrace the waves of emotion and let them carry you to new depths of self-discovery.

If you meditate this week you might just get the insight to increase your finances.
On Thursday, Jupiter sends positive vibes to Saturn, aligning your aspirations and your sense of responsibility. This cosmic alliance supports your dreams and encourages you to take calculated risks. Trust in your abilities and embrace the opportunities that come your way. With Jupiter and Saturn by your side, you have the cosmic support needed to turn your ambitions into reality.

As Sunday approaches, Neptune’s foggy energy may make you feel a little weird and confused. Again meditation is key to get to the root of any anxiety and patterns that are blocking your free flow. Stay grounded and trust in your intuition. Let your creativity flow and allow the divine timing to guide you. Embrace the unknown and trust that the right messages will come through, even if they are shrouded in mystery. You are a beacon of light and love, and the world is your oyster.


Image credit: The, Adventures, of, Baron, Munchausen, Uma, Thurman



You are about to experience a cosmic shift as the Sun moves from your social butterfly season into your introspective 12th house sanctuary. It’s time to find a spiritual refuge and embrace a season of quiet rest before your active Leo season kicks in. Prepare to recharge and reconnect with your inner self.

On Monday, the Sun squares Neptune, creating a celestial clash between your social connections and your funds. Don’t let the illusions of Neptune cloud your judgment. Stay true to your authentic self and navigate through the social haze with your radiant Leo charm, this week might just transform you.

As Cancer Season arrives Wednesday, it will be a time for inner reflection, healing, and embracing your vulnerabilities. Allow yourself to dive deep into the waters of your soul and emerge stronger than ever before. Mercury sextiles Mars in your sign, creating a dynamic synergy between your social sphere and your fiery energy. Your words become a powerful tool to express your desires and ignite passion within yourself and others. Use your charismatic communication skills to make your voice heard and leave a lasting impression.

On Thursday, Jupiter aligns with Saturn, bringing harmony between your career aspirations and your sense of responsibility. This celestial collaboration supports your ambitions, encouraging you to dream big and take calculated steps towards success. Embrace the opportunities that come your way and trust in your abilities to achieve greatness.You may now receive an inheritance or investment from someone. As Sunday approaches, Mercury squares Neptune, and Neptune’s dreamy energy may create a bit of confusion in your social interactions. Stay grounded and trust in your intuition. Seek clarity in your communication and be mindful of misunderstandings. Embrace the enigmatic nature of Neptune’s influence and allow it to add a touch of mystique to your interactions. Remember, even in moments of rest and reflection, your radiant Leo energy shines bright. So, dive into the emotion ocean and let your majestic heart guide the way!


Image credit: pinterest



Get ready for a cosmic dance as Mercury, your ruling planet, aligns with the Sun energizing your career aspirations. Take advantage of this solar power surge and make some moves. Seize the opportunity to shine in your professional endeavors! Starting Wednesday, it’s time to shift your focus towards your friendships and connections while still keeping your career goals in sight. Strike a balance between nurturing your social bonds and making progress in your professional life.

On Monday, the Sun squares Neptune, creating a slight conflict between your career decisions and your relationships in love and business. Navigate this tricky situation with care and open communication. Practicality and understanding go hand in hand. Find a harmonious solution that satisfies both your career ambitions and your personal connections. Dive deep into the realm of your feelings and pour your heart out to your friends. Share your dreams, hopes, and insecurities with those who understand and support you. Embrace the power of your social network and let them uplift and inspire you. Mars will be stirring up your subconscious mind and providing you with the answers you’ve been seeking in your career. Trust your intuition and let your inner voice guide you towards success. Your analytical nature combined with this cosmic boost will help you make informed decisions and take calculated risks.

On Thursday, Jupiter aligns with Saturn, bringing potential romance or a memorable trip with your boo. If you’re single, keep an eye out for a special someone who may enter your life. And if you’re already in a relationship, consider planning a trip together to create unforgettable memories. Love and adventure await you! As Sunday approaches, Mercury also squares Neptune and the conflict between your career decisions and your relationships resurfaces. It’s essential to find a harmonious balance between your professional ambitions and the needs of your loved ones. Trust that with patience and understanding, you can find solutions that benefit both aspects of your life.


Image credit: Pinterest



It’s time to gather your friends and have the best time together. If you’re single, keep your heart open, for a special someone could enter your life through a friend of a friend. Love and friendship go hand in hand for you! On Monday, the Sun squares Neptune, creating a clash between your health and daily routines. Don’t let the fog of Neptune cloud your focus. Stay committed to your well-being while adapting your routines to ensure a healthy balance. Remember, finding equilibrium is your superpower!

As Wednesday arrives, allow your emotions to guide your authentic goals. Connect with your heart’s desires and let your intuition lead the way. This is a perfect time to tap into your artistic side and infuse your work with your true essence.
Mercury in Gemini sextiles Mars Leo, presenting an exciting opportunity from overseas through a friend. Stay connected, as your network can now open doors to new horizons. Embrace the chance to broaden your perspectives and expand your cultural experiences.

On Thursday, Jupiter aligns with Saturn, bringing the potential for financial support from an outside source. Be open to receiving abundance, whether it’s through a grant, investment, or an unexpected inheritance. Trust that the universe is conspiring to help you manifest your dreams. As Sunday approaches, Mercury squares Neptune, urging you to make decisions regarding new opportunities. Whether it’s accepting a chance to further your studies or embarking on an international adventure, trust your intuition and make choices that align with your authentic desires. Let your inner compass guide you towards the path that resonates with your soul.


Image credit: Pinterest



Dive into the emotion ocean and let your transformative journey unfold. Your reputation and career are shining bright. Haters may try to bring you down, but don’t let them dampen your flame. Remember, the more important you become, the more likely it is for them to come out. Keep slaying and let your success speak for itself. Your planetary ruler, Pluto, is back in your 3rd house, refining your art of communication. Your words carry power, so choose them wisely. With your natural magnetism and depth, you have the ability to captivate and influence others.

On Monday, a romantic illusion may cloud your judgment. Embrace this transformative experience, for it will ultimately make you stronger. Let go of unrealistic expectations and dive deep into the depths of your emotions. Allow this process to shape and mold you into a more resilient version of yourself. With the arrival of Cancer season on Wednesday, your exotic 9th house becomes an emotion ocean. It’s the perfect time to embark on an adventurous journey and explore foreign cultures. Open your heart to the world and let the healing power of travel and knowledge expand your horizons. Embrace the opportunity to learn and grow through new experiences. Mercury mixing with Mars is igniting your mind with smart ideas that can revolutionize your career. Trust your instincts and use your intellectual prowess to make strategic moves. Jupiter aligns with Saturn throughout the week, bringing serious commitment vibes to your love relationships. Mature love and enduring partnerships are on the horizon.

In business, you and a partner can collaborate on a creative project of substance that will stand the test of time. As Sunday approaches, Mercury squares Neptune. Use your sharp intuition and apply a healthy dose of common sense when navigating romantic connections.


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Daily new rituals are the secret to success, so why not shake things up and add a little spice to your day? Now, brace yourself for some choppy waters on the relationship front. With the Sun squaring Neptune, a situation at home could turn into an argument with your loved ones or vice versa. Neptune might throw a haze over your vision, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself searching for the right words to clear the air. Just remember, that foggy glasses can be cleaned with a little honesty and a lot of patience. Wednesday, is bringing an emotion ocean that’ll make you feel all the feels. Brace yourself for transformations in the erotic department and your shared finances with others. Here’s a cosmic bonus: Mercury and Mars are vibing, meaning your overseas communication skills are on fire! This could lead to exciting opportunities or even an international business alliance. So grab your phone, and dial that long-distance number.

Saturn, the big daddy of the universe brings another lucky alignment, rewarding you for sticking to a healthy routine. Trust your gut and try to limit your intake of toxins, whether it’s that extra slice of cake or toxic people. You’ll thank yourself later when you’re feeling fit, fabulous, and ready to take on the world. On the weekend Neptune will be bringing back the discussion regarding home and your partner. It may not be the most comfortable situation, but don’t worry! Speak clearly and avoid the pitfalls of Neptune’s confusion and misunderstandings. Ride the waves, make a splash, and remember to wear your cosmic sunscreen!


Image credit: Shell Glasses By Centa, Lisbon



Picture yourself as a sea captain, and let Saturn be your compass, leading you to new horizons of growth and success. And guess who’s back in town? It’s Pluto, the mega transformer, back in your sign. This cosmic powerhouse is here to shake things up and help you master your transformation. It’s time to let go of anything that’s been holding you back, even if it feels a bit dark and murky at times. Embrace the power within. Beware of a rocky commute in your routine this week. Getting around town may not align with your carefully planned schedule. Trains may be canceled, buses may be late, and taxis may seem to vanish into thin air. Stay determined and be on time regardless. Consider it a test of your patience and adaptability.

Cancer Season kicks in on Wednesday, bringing the emotion ocean right into your partnerships sector. It’s like a summer romance movie, with the sun shining bright on your one-on-ones. Soak up the warm glow and let love bloom. Who needs candlelight dinners when you can have starlit kisses? Mars in your erotic 8th house is urging you to schedule some intimate time with your boo. It’s not just about passion; it’s an energizing experience that’ll leave you feeling charged up. Let loose and embark on a steamy adventure! If you’re single, get ready for a wave of new opportunities to find love. Dive into those dating apps or take a stroll around your neighborhood – you never know who might catch your eye. Love is in the air, and it’s time to ride the love tide! The seas of communication can get a bit blurry due to Neptune.You may find yourself in some miscommunication with a sibling or neighbor. Neptune has a knack for clouding the details, so don’t be surprised if things get a bit confusing. Embrace the oceanic energy of Cancer Season and navigate the waters of transformation. Let Saturn and Pluto be your guides as you master your skills and release what no longer serves you. Enjoy the magical currents of this Cancer Season!


Image credit: Isla de mujeres shellhouse



Uranus is here to help you rebuild your foundations and create a sense of freedom. Picture yourself as an architect of your own destiny, designing a life that aligns with your unique vision. Break free from the norm and let your creativity flow like waves crashing against the shore. Saturn wants to have a word with you too. Take your time, my friend, to make mature decisions that will shape your future. And don’t be afraid to think outside the box! Embracing your innovative spirit will lead you to the most remarkable outcomes. Let’s dive into the cosmic currents of Cancer Season, which begins on Wednesday. It’s time to feel all the feels and focus on your daily rhythms and routines. Take care of your health and let the tides of your emotions guide you. Remember, your heart is the compass that will keep you in tune with your true self. Pleasure and romance are in the air this week. Whether you’re coupled up or riding solo, keep those lines of communication open and watch the magic unfold. Use the cosmic combo of Jupiter and Saturn to keep your financial ship sailing smoothly. A real estate or domestic opportunity may start to make financial sense, and you’ll begin to see a light at the end of the tunnel in terms of a long-term, mature income situation. Changes in your home environment may slowly start to pay off, like finding a seashell treasure in the sand.

Still, keep a watchful eye on your spending. Resist the temptation to splurge on unnecessary pleasures that could leave you feeling moody and broke. Ride the cosmic tide and let your uniqueness shine like a pearl in the ocean!


Image credit: by GISELA COLÓN



You’re a visionary baby, ready to bring your dreams to life. Jupiter is here to help you learn new skills you’ve always dreamed of. It’s like being handed a treasure map, guiding you to unlock your hidden talents and expand your horizons. Saturn in your sign is sending you a grounded energy to rebuild yourself. Embrace this cosmic support as you navigate the waters of personal growth and transformation. Watch out for a clash between a family matter and your personal dreams. Ego may try to get in the way of open and loving communication. Remember that love and empathy can mend even the rockiest of relationships.

Get ready for a flood of inspiration because Cancer Season begins on Wednesday. It’s time to feel all the feels as the romantic and pleasure-filled season washes over you. Find joy in creative pursuits, reach new heights of imagination, and make sure to spend some time near the water—it’ll be turn-on. Your home-zone will be buzzing with new ideas to improve your daily rhythms and alleviate anxiety. Turn your living space into a sanctuary of peace and productivity. Maybe a fish tank filled with colorful coral or a soothing water fountain will do the trick! Jupiter and Saturn’s cosmic combo is coming to fuel your success. A pool of ideas will be your golden resource to build lasting personal success and bring you closer to your long-term goals. Open yourself to the opportunities that come your way, and remember that the universe is conspiring to support your dreams.

Still, on the weekend a family discussion may leave you feeling disillusioned. Neptune’s fog may cloud the details. Don’t take things too seriously and remember that clarity can sometimes take time to emerge from the mist. Keep swimming forward, and trust that the tides will guide you.


Written by Cosmic Mi