This Week Fate Has Shuffled the Cards and Karma Is in the Air

Universal- Let’s dive into the mystical realm of the stars, where the celestial energies have been swirling since last week. Venus Retrograde in Leo takes the spotlight, inviting us to embark on a heartfelt journey of self-reflection and self-love. Which sweetest taboos do we allow ourselves and others to indulge in? And why are we deeply attracted to certain taboos? It’s time to embrace our true values and desires, even if it means prioritising self-care and taking a little “me time.” Remember, when we honour our authentic needs, love has a sneaky way of returning even stronger.

Ex-lovers may re-enter the scene… “Is it a crime?… that I still want you,… and I want you to want me, too?” Let’s try to understand why certain people come back into our lives. Have we watched too much dramatic TV and normalised that life-imitating-art cinematic experience that makes us feel alive in our love encounters, or do we have to actually work on issues we are projecting onto others and vice-versa? We are soldiers of love and love is stronger than pride.

Last week, the cosmic nodes took a daring leap into Aries and Libra, igniting a cosmic dance between individuality and partnership. The North Node in Aries urges us to unleash our inner uniqueness and shine as radiant individuals. Embrace your passions, follow your dreams, and let your spirit soar! Meanwhile, the South Node in Libra whispers a gentle reminder to seek balance within relationships and avoid falling into codependency.

We’ve still got some celestial turbulence heading our way! Pretty much the whole week, Pluto squares off with the dragon’s head aka. the North Node in Aries. Gear yourselves up for a cosmic transformation in your life’s path. It might feel like you’re being swirled around, pushed, and pulled. Fear not, for fate has shuffled the cards, and karma is in the air. Even if it seems a tad extreme and dark, trust that you’re being nudged onto the right track. Embrace the whirlwind and let it guide you to your smooth operator.

On Thursday, get ready for a surge in conversations about relationships as Venus Retrograde meets Mercury in a passionate embrace (Cazimi) in the golden heart constellation of Leo. Whether you’re sharing your heart’s desires, discussing patterns from the past, or diving deep into the realms of self-love, the cosmos wants you to engage in these soul-stirring discussions. ‘…If I tell you how I feel, will you keep bringing out the best in me…?’ We have all certainly experienced love that is everything but ordinary. If you find yourself without a cosmic confidant, don’t worry! Grab a pen and paper, pour your heart onto the page, and create an outline of your self-love journey. Explore how you’ve grown, how you’re navigating the themes of love, and envision the magnificent being you are becoming.

As we approach Friday, Mercury bids Leo farewell and gracefully glides into the realm of Virgo joining action planet Mars. Communication may become a little more (self)critical. Remember that perfection is an illusion, yet chasing it can propel us forward. It’s time to pay attention to the tiny details and perfect our processes. Mercury and Mars in the sign of the little helper, Virgo, encourages us to create meticulous to-do lists and organise our schedules. Let the magic of order and efficiency guide you to cosmic success. So, cherish theses days, embrace the transformative energy of Venus Retrograde, dance between individuality and partnership, and surrender to the cosmic whirlwind. Engage in heartfelt conversations about love, both with others and with yourself. And remember, perfection may elude us, but the pursuit of perfection can lead us on extraordinary journeys, as you navigate the cosmic seas of destiny.

May the stars illuminate your path on this diamond life and let’s move in space with minimum waste and maximum joy. May you find yourself, and always remember: your love is king


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The cosmos has a thrilling adventure in store for you, packed with heartfelt transformations, unexpected reunions, and a cosmic quest for perfection. Let the cosmic winds guide you through the mysterious realms of destiny!
This week, destiny comes knocking at your door, urging you to transform your career, public image, and most importantly, becoming more your authentic self. It might feel like you’re being swirled around, pushed, and pulled, but fear not, for extreme transformations aren’t meant to be taken lightly or rushed. This powerful cycle will be your companion for the next 18 months, challenging you to step into your true power and embrace your destiny. Embrace the whirlwind, my dear, for greatness awaits.

Thursday brings a celestial collaboration that could ignite a creative explosion from the depths of your past. Prepare for a magical influx of inspiration as Venus, the cosmic enchantress of love, joins forces with Mercury, the quick-witted messenger, in the fiery realm of Leo. This cosmic encounter may gift you with the opportunity to finally wrap up a forgotten project or encounter an unexpected reunion with an ex-lover. Explore the connection if you feel there was unfinished business, but tread cautiously, as Venus Retrograde may be testing your true values and desires. Embrace the flirty and hot vibes, but be mindful not to get burned.

As we approach Friday, Mercury bids Leo farewell and ventures into the meticulous realms of Virgo, joining forces with your planetary ruler, Mars. This cosmic duo aims to bring order to your days, urging you to check every detail and strive for perfection. While perfection may be elusive, the pursuit of it can lead you to extraordinary heights. Embrace the power of routine, organise your schedule with finesse, and let your golden routine guide you to success.


Image credit: Jean-Claude Deutsch – Sade Adu, 1985



The cosmos has a unique adventure planned for you, infused with heartfelt moments, healing revelations, and bursts of creative energy. So, hold on tight and let the cosmic tides guide you through the enigmatic realms of destiny!
Venus, your celestial ruler, is currently taking a retrograde stroll through the vibrant domain of Leo, nestled in your 4th house. This cosmic love backspin prompts you to dive deep into the waters of self-love and reestablish your boundaries and values. It’s time to heal your inner child and embrace a new way of nurturing yourself. Fate is whispering its secrets, urging you to blaze a new trail, whether it be in a faraway land, an international platform, or the realms of teaching and spiritual growth. Though the path may seem challenging, trust that it will lead you to a perfect future aligned with the desires of your heart. Stay strong and believe, for the cosmos has extraordinary plans in store for you.

On Thursday, a celestial rendezvous occurs as Venus Retrograde and Mercury join forces in the passionate realm of Leo, igniting sparks of epiphany and self-reflection. Take a stroll down memory lane and explore your past patterns and upbringing. Engage in heartfelt conversations with a professional or a trusted friend, for through talking therapy, you can become more aware and break free from any thinking patterns that may have been blocking your path. Pour your heart out on paper, as writing can be a powerful tool for healing. And perhaps, use your creative prowess to craft some healing art, letting your emotions flow onto the canvas.

As we step into Friday, Mercury bids Leo farewell and gracefully transitions into the meticulous realms of Virgo, joining forces with Mars in your passionate 5th house. Creativity reaches its peak! Get your schedule in order and make time to receive those precious downloads of inspiration. Resist the urge to be overly critical of yourself and others. Instead, allow your creativity to flow

freely, unencumbered by self-doubt. Let your unique voice be heard, your artistic expressions be unleashed, and watch as the cosmic magic unfolds.


Image credit: by Elise R Peterson



The cosmic stage is set, and it’s time for you to shine amidst a whirlwind of transformation, unexpected reunions, and a cosmic quest for decluttering. Let the cosmic winds guide you as you delve into the enigmatic themes of fate, connection, and finding your place in the world.

Venus, in her retrograde glory, dances through the radiant realm of Leo, nestled in your 3rd house. This celestial love backspin prompts you to reflect on your communication style, social circle, and the collective at large. Fate whispers in your ear, urging you to transform not just financially, but also in the depths of your soul. Prepare to level up, in ways that may seem new and even ruthless. Embrace the winds of change, for they will carry you in exciting directions, possibly under the wing of new friends and companions. Trust the cosmic flow, and let your soul evolve.

On Thursday, a cosmic convergence occurs as Venus Retrograde and Mercury unite their cosmic forces. Unexpected reunions may be on the horizon. An ex-lover or someone from your past may make an unexpected appearance, stirring up memories and emotions. Creatively, you may also find yourself revisiting an idea that you had set aside. The next two months hold a promise of serendipitous encounters. Trust that each person you bump into has a message to deliver, or perhaps, you have a message for them. Embrace the unexpected, and let the universe guide you to meaningful connections. On the weekends, let the jumpy energy guide you to revisit familiar locations, where new experiences and connections await.

As we step into Friday, Mercury bids Leo farewell and gracefully transitions into the meticulous realms of Virgo, joining forces with Mars. It’s time to bring order to your home base. Channel your inner Marie Kondo and declutter your physical space and your life. As you create a harmonious environment, watch as your mind becomes clearer and more focused. Take time for family reunions and sweet summer soirées.


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The cosmos is ready to embark on a transformative journey with you, filled with karmic lessons, creative sparks, and a cosmic quest for self-worth. Let the cosmic tides guide you through the enigmatic themes of relationships, self-love, and stepping into the spotlight.

Venus, in her retrograde glory, dances through the luxurious realm of Leo, nestled in your 2nd house. This celestial love backspin prompts you to reassess your worth, particularly in your one- on-one relationships, both in love and business. As you let go of family karma and heal from past traumas, you may find yourself contemplating a change of scenery. How can you rev up your income? How can you solidify the way you love yourself without seeking external validation? These are the questions that may swirl in your mind. Embrace your authentic self, for it is through your originality that you will shine brightest in the spotlight, especially in the next 18 months. Last week’s intense New Moon in your sign served as a rebirth, emerging from a dark cocoon into a world of infinite possibilities, waiting for you to create your own reality.

On Thursday, a cosmic union occurs as Venus Retrograde and Mercury join forces in a Cazimi, in the radiant realm of Leo, nestled in your 2nd house of self-worth and resources. Listen closely to the whispers of your intuition, for within lies a brilliant idea. It may be one that you have toyed with in the past, but now, it holds the key to a new source of abundance. Tap into the well of your creativity and passionate thoughts, and let them flow like an infinite fountain of inspiration.

As we step into Friday, Mercury bids Leo farewell and gracefully transitions into the meticulous realms of Virgo, joining forces with Mars in your expressive 3rd house. Grab a pen, and pour out the depths of your soul onto the page. Brilliant ideas will flow from your creative well, and anything related to communication will pave the way for success. Take a stroll through your neighbourhood, explore new spots, and let your mind be stimulated by fresh surroundings. On this quest for inspiration, you may even stumble upon an ex-lover, igniting the fire of connection that may not have fizzled out entirely. Remember, Venus Retrograde calls for reassessing self-love, self-worth, values, and resolving romantic connections. Act not from your ego, but from the depths of your golden heart, filled with a glow of compassion.


Image credit: Photo by Pete Still



The cosmos has a grand adventure in store for you, filled with transformative self-love, authenticity, and a cosmic quest to explore the world within and around you. Let the cosmic currents guide you as you navigate the realms of love, self-discovery, and embracing your true essence.

Venus, in her retrograde glory, graces you, nestling in your 1st house. This celestial love backspin invites you to embark on a profound transformation, where the summer becomes a season of finding love within yourself, without seeking it solely from external sources. Allow yourself to travel, study, and delve into foreign belief systems, for they hold keys to your personal growth and healing. In this journey, you will discover the strength within you and emerge even more radiant than before.

The whole week, a powerful cosmic encounter occurs as Pluto squares the North Node. This cosmic clash prompts you to revamp your rituals and prioritise your health, creating space for new belief systems and the opportunity to embark on transformative travels. Time flies, my dear, and it is essential to nurture both your physical and spiritual well-being to fully embrace the wonders of our beautiful planet. Broaden your horizons.

On Thursday, a celestial embrace occurs as Venus Retrograde and Mercury come together in a passionate kiss in your sign. This magical alignment ignites a light bulb moment, and your charm becomes a powerful tool. Speak from your heart, share your wisdom, and watch as friends rally behind your creative projects. Your past experiences have shaped you into the extraordinary being you are today, and through authenticity, you become a beacon of inspiration. Alternatively, you may find yourself popping into people’s minds, reminding them of the connection you shared. Stay true to yourself, and let your heart desires flow from a place of pure intention.

As we step into Friday, Mercury leaves your sign, and gracefully transitions into the meticulous realms of Virgo, focusing your mind on matters of money. It’s time to be resourceful and productive. Examine your expenses, cut unnecessary costs, and delve into the details of your financial landscape. Cancel forgotten subscriptions that no longer serve you. By embracing this attention to detail, you will create a solid foundation for financial growth and success.





The cosmic realms have a grand plan in store for you, filled with romance, creative pursuits, and a karmic journey of transformation. Let the cosmic tides guide you as you navigate the realms of relationships, self-worth, and embracing your dreams.

Venus, in her retrograde enchantment, weaves her magic through the mystical realms of Leo, nestled in your 12th house. This celestial love backspin prompts you to explore the depths of your soul and embark on a karmic path of transformation. Romance and creative endeavours take center stage, and perhaps, a child of yours may serve as a catalyst for this extraordinary journey. Don’t hesitate to merge your funds with a partner or seek investors for a combined venture project. Remember, you don’t have to do it all alone. Open your mind to the possibilities of collaboration and shared success.

On Thursday, a cosmic convergence occurs as Venus Retrograde and Mercury unite their cosmic forces in the radiant realm of Leo, nestled in your 12th house of spirituality and introspection. Take a moment to switch off your active mind and dive into activities such as yoga, meditation, or any practice that allows you to connect with what lies beneath the surface. In this state of inner stillness, a spiritual epiphany awaits you.

By Friday, you’ll be infused with the courage, glory, and energy to go after your dreams and desires. It’s time to take full charge of your life, silencing the inner critic that holds you back. Expect healing and a boost in self-worth, especially through travel or exploring foreign cultures. Venus Retrograde invites you to dive deep into your relationship patterns, understanding who you attract and the origins of these patterns. Take the opportunity to work on any emotional wounds and heal them, allowing yourself to attract individuals into your life who don’t trigger further trauma. Keep in mind that an ex-lover may resurface in the next two months. Exercise caution and carefully consider reengaging. You’re seeking maturity in your one- on-one relationships, and childish behaviour will no longer be tolerated.

As we step into Friday, Mercury bids Leo farewell and gracefully transitions into your sign of Virgo, joining forces with Mars. Your mental acuity and drive will be unmatched. Your energy aligns with the cosmos, propelling you forward toward your goals. Embrace this harmonious synergy of brain and action, ideas and execution. It’s your time to shine and make your mark upon the world.


The cosmic dance has begun, and it’s time for you to reassess your friendships, values, and the factor of friendship in your love relationships. Venus, your celestial ruler, has gracefully entered retrograde mode in the luxurious realms of Leo, nestled in your 11th house of friendships and dreams. Take a moment to pause, and reassess your social circles. What do you value in your friendships, and how do they align with your dreams? Moreover, let your heart explore the depths of your love relationships. What shared values bind you together, and what sets you apart? The cosmic dance of the nodes has taken a daring leap, sparking a cosmic symphony between individuality and partnership. The North Node in your opposite sign Aries wants you to embrace your inner uniqueness and shine as a radiant individual. Let your passions and dreams take flight as you embark on a cosmic journey of self-expression. Meanwhile, the South Node in our sign whispers a gentle reminder to find balance within your relationships, avoiding the pitfalls of codependency. In this cosmic dance of harmony, balance holds the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe.

The whole week, a powerful cosmic encounter unfolds as Pluto squares the North Node. Transformation reverberates through the walls of your home and family life, triggering patterns in your relationships. Take a moment to shed what no longer serves you, and find a healthier place in your partnerships. Strive for equilibrium as you balance family duties with romantic and business partnership responsibilities. It may feel like a dark journey, but fear not, for you are emerging stronger and more resilient than before. Embrace the change and allow yourself to transform in new and empowering ways.

On Thursday, a celestial embrace occurs as Venus Retrograde and Mercury unite their cosmic forces in the radiant realm of Leo, nestled in your 11th house of friendships and dreams. Reunite with a friend, for together, you could ignite grand ideas and spark positive insights into your life. Say yes to invitations for travel, for they hold the promise of expanding your horizons and embracing new experiences. Prepare to be pleasantly surprised as a long-lost friend reenters your life from out of the blue.

As we step into Friday, Mercury bids Leo farewell and gracefully transitions into the introspective realms of Virgo, nestled in your 12th house. The cosmic messenger urges you to go within and meditate, fixing any issues that may be bothering you. Embrace moments of stillness, and let rationality guide your thoughts. Turn off the chaos and connect with your subconscious, finding the inner peace that is often sought but rarely found amidst the hustle and bustle of life.


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The cosmos has an enigmatic journey in store for you, filled with reassessment of relationships in both business and love. Prepare for a cosmic ride that is heartfelt, witty, and spiritually invigorating. Let the cosmic tides guide you through the realms of independence, transformation, and embracing your inner trailblazer.

Venus, in her retrograde allure, graces the majestic realm of Leo, nestled in your 10th house of career and public image. As the cosmic dance of the nodes takes a daring leap into Aries and Libra, you find yourself reevaluating your relationships and even considering a return to a previous company you worked for. A new routine is unfolding, and you’re becoming fiercely independent, relying on your spirit as a powerful trailblazer.

The whole week, a powerful cosmic encounter unfolds as Pluto squares the North Node. New skills and expert knowledge are transforming your day-to-day life. Embrace the journey of growth, even if it feels challenging at first. Stay persistent and resolute, for your profound thoughts and feelings are steering you toward a wind of change, the magnitude of which may not be fully graspable yet. On Thursday, a celestial embrace occurs as Venus Retrograde and Mercury come together in a harmonious dance in Leo, nestled in your 10th house of career and public image. An exciting opportunity from the past may resurface, offering a chance to elevate your career to new heights. Amidst the multitude of tasks on your plate, consider seizing this opportunity, for it promises to bring you favourable publicity and recognition.

As we step into Friday, Mercury bids Leo farewell and gracefully transitions into your social sector. The cosmic communicator planet joins forces with warrior Mars, urging you to communicate your desires and dreams to your crew. It’s time to ignite the team spirit and bring the collective dreams to fruition. Collaborate with your circle of friends and allies, for together, you can make magic happen.

Source: Pinterest



The cosmos has a thrilling journey in store for you, brimming with creative pursuits, travel, and the quest for personal worth. Let the cosmic winds guide you through the realms of transformation, joy, and the pursuit of perfection.
Venus, in her retrograde dance, graces the radiant realm of Leo, nestled in your 9th house of adventure and higher learning. As the cosmic dance of the nodes takes a daring leap into Aries and Libra, you find yourself facing the powerful forces of Pluto, debating about finances and your creative pursuits. Can you achieve both, you wonder? Fear not, for the fire is burning inside you, urging you to transform and shift your perspectives on how you approach your creative endeavours. Embrace the challenge, and watch as you expand grandly, birthing wonderful projects that bring you true personal worth. In the next 18 months, a wave of joy and focus will also surround your experiences with children.

The whole week, a powerful cosmic encounter unfolds as Pluto squares the North Node. Throughout the week, the cosmos invites you to delve into the depths of your financial and creative pursuits. Embrace this journey of transformation, knowing that the fire within you will guide you to creative expansion like never before. Your imagination will soar, and you’ll produce projects that resonate with your soul, filling your life with joy and fulfilment.

On Thursday, a celestial embrace occurs as Venus Retrograde and Mercury come together in a harmonious dance in Leo, nestled in your 9th house of adventure and higher learning. The stars smile upon you, encouraging you to embark on a foreign adventure if you can. A trip to a foreign land promises to bring the best of times and a chance encounter with someone special, perhaps even a resurfacing soul from your past. If travel is not possible, fear not, for the cosmos has a surprise in store for you. You may receive a heartfelt message from a past romantic love, expressing a desire to reconnect and reminisce about the joyful times shared.

As we step into Friday, Mercury bids Leo farewell and gracefully transitions into the ambitious realms of Virgo. The cosmic communicator joins forces with warrior Mars, urging you to make a bold statement in your career. Your mind, body, and spirit align to perfect your public persona and meticulously attend to the details of your image. Your pursuit of perfection in the professional realm is set to dazzle the world.


Image credit: sade – album



The cosmos has a transformative journey in store for you, one that tugs at your heartstrings and urges you to find a balance between your individual growth and your family and home life. Let the cosmic winds guide you through the realms of authenticity, forgiveness, and steamy passions. Venus, in her retrograde allure, graces the radiant realm of Leo, nestled in your 8th house of transformation and shared resources. As the cosmic dance of the nodes takes a daring leap into Aries and Libra, you find yourself undergoing a personal metamorphosis that may stir ripples within your family and home life. Fear not, my dear, for the darkness shall soon be replaced with illuminating light. Listen to your spirit and be forgiving and independent, embracing your unique path with courage.

On Tuesday, a powerful cosmic encounter unfolds as Pluto squares the North Node. Throughout the week, you undergo a profound transformation as an individual, and it may not always align harmoniously with your family dynamics. Let your spirit guide you through the turbulence, and you shall emerge stronger and wiser.

On Thursday, a celestial embrace occurs as Venus Retrograde and Mercury come together in a harmonious dance. Your career and creativity receive a potent boost of transformation. Embrace your raw and authentic self, fearlessly stepping forward without concern for others’ opinions. In the realm of passion, sparks fly as you may encounter a flame from the past, igniting the fire of attraction. Behind closed doors, resolutions may be sought, and a steamy evening awaits those willing to surrender to their desires.

From Friday onwards, reach out to your friends across the globe and schedule some well-deserved vacation time. The cosmos encourages you to explore different cultures and embrace the beauty of new experiences.


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The cosmos has set a captivating stage for you, filled with heartfelt connections, rebellious sparks, and transformative insights. Embrace the cosmic dance that intertwines relationships, subconscious musings, and passionate conversations. Venus, in her beguiling retrograde, graces the vibrant realm of Leo, illuminating your 7th house of relationships. Since last week, the cosmos has tested your connections, with ex-lovers reappearing on the scene. Fear not, dear Aquarius, for Venus will continue her retrograde waltz until early September, leaving ample room for exciting twists and turns. To lighten your soul, embark on inspirational weekend trips, feeding your spirit with pleasurable activities.

The whole week, a potent celestial encounter unfolds as Pluto squares the North Node, stirring the depths of your subconscious. Throughout the week, your mind may wrestle with darkness, but fret not, for remarkable ideas lie in the vast expanse of your unique toolkit. Dive into learning new skills and expanding your creative horizons, for rebellion fuels your creations, capable of changing the world. Embrace the challenges, and your dedication will yield transformative rewards, even amidst financial hurdles.

Thursday brings forth a heartfelt conversation as Venus Retrograde and Mercury unite in a tender dance in Leo, nestled in your 7th house of relationships. Dive deep with your partner, getting to the core of your connection. Alternatively, an encounter with an ex-lover may spark introspection, questioning life’s mysteries. Take your time, and assess the values and lessons woven into your relationships. Align your heart’s desires and visionary dreams, for a higher purpose awaits.

As Friday arrives, Mercury bids Leo adieu and delves into the enigmatic realms of Virgo, residing in your 8th house of intimacy. Conversations take a profound turn, delving into taboo themes and triggering profound thoughts. Use this cosmic journey to unravel the psychology of yourself and your partners, unlocking hidden depths and forging an unbreakable connection.


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Get ready to embrace the cosmic dance that intertwines financial shifts, trailblazing ambitions, and the magic of fate.
Venus, adorned in her enchanting retrograde attire, graces the dynamic realm of Leo, setting the stage for you to update your routine and explore fresh territories of innovation. As your financial goals take a celestial turn, trust in your adaptability and intuition to navigate the uncharted waters that lie ahead.

On Tuesday, a captivating celestial encounter unfolds as Pluto squares the North Node, creating cosmic waves. Throughout the week, you may feel the pressure and triggers emanating from a friend or alliance. Fear not, for amidst the darkness lies the potential for transformation and the birth of an ultimate plan, guided by the hand of fate. Believe in your ability to trail-blaze, even when your network seems uncertain.

Thursday brings a reunion of past joys as Venus Retrograde and Mercury rendezvous in Leo, your 6th house of work and daily routines. A long-lost job opportunity resurfaces, igniting happiness and possibilities. Embrace this divine invitation and say yes to these opportunities, for they may lead you to new horizons.

As Friday dawns, Mercury bids farewell to Leo and embarks on a diplomatic journey through Virgo, resting in your 7th house of partnerships. Lovers from the past may reappear, prompting conversations and heart-to-heart talks. Embrace the magic of genuine love, knowing that connections can thrive, even amidst changes and new relationships. For couples, Mercury’s presence in the 7th house will soften the edges of Venus Retrograde’s cosmic tests, providing gentle guidance for navigating relationship complexities.

Words by Cosmic Mi