Tristan Pigott, Saint George Mocked, 2019

August can be a little thin on the ground for art openings—aside from the blockbuster summer shows that are set to lure in tourists. So a new show at White Conduit Projects in London’s Angel is a welcome surprise. Bringing together three very recent graduates, My Friends Are Geniuses II includes the work of Hochoul Lee (RCA), Tristan Pigott (pictured, and recently graduated from the RCA) and Iris Mathieson (Chelsea). While Pigott is known as a painter, he actually studied sculpture for his MA. “I wanted to put myself in a situation where I felt very uncomfortable making paintings,” he recently told Tank magazine. “It wasn’t that I wanted to become a sculptor; it was just that I wanted to be uncomfortable. That said, I think what I learnt quite quickly from being there is that while I’ve always tried to make my paintings quite sculptural, I seem to make my sculptures quite flat… It’s that idea of not being limited by your technique.”