And so begins another year of art fairs. Tomorrow, Untitled, San Francisco opens in the Californian city for the second time, in the commanding Palace of Fine Arts. The fair has a mix of global and local talent represented, with galleries coming from cities such as Alicante, Pueblo Garzón and Stravanger, as well as a strong representation of galleries, artists and exhibition spaces from the Bay Area.
“We are excited to present this diverse selection of special projects for the second edition of Untitled, San Francisco,” says Juana Berrio, curator of special projects for the fair. “These projects offer visitors the opportunity to encounter works throughout the venue in new and unexpected ways.” There is a strong focus on social and political issues running through these special projects.
San Francisco gallery Re.riddle is showing Summer Mei-Ling Lee’s site-specific installation Pieta
(2017) which is “inspired by the arduous journeys immigrants often endure whilst traversing across geopolitical borders (both real and imagined).”
Creative Growth Art Center, a non-profit based in nearby Oakland, which supports artists with developmental, mental and physical disabilities, is showing three works by Judith Scott, a visual artist with developmental disabilities who created textile sculptures from discarded items wrapped in materials such as yarn, paper towel and knitted cloth.
A work by Lauren McKeon tackles the “myriad ways in which bodies are systemically denied”. The Dirt Inherits the Day (2017) comprises a prop door face down on the floor, removing its use and purpose for people to move in and out of and pass through.