Sam Hodge

‘My artwork deals with the transformation of materials over time; new forms and patterns emerging from physical processes such as erosion, fracture and flow.  I use painting and printmaking to draw attention to the way objects – particularly manmade objects – are transformed by these natural processes, their original function often obscured and their similarity to geological and biological forms becoming more apparent. I am interested in how we respond to these changes. Do we attempt to prevent, reverse, accept or venerate them? Or just chuck the damaged thing in the bin.

In my painting, I allow the paint to flow, erode and fracture as it dries, responding to the patterns that emerge. I would like to extend this interaction with the dynamic properties of paint over a longer timescale. Encouraging paint’s tendency to continue to change slowly; for example fading, cracking, wrinkling and discolouring after it is ‘finished’ and on display. Something traditionally regarded as bad behaviour; the result of bad formulation or technique.’