Get Ready for a Week of Heart-To-Heart Conversations, Where Emotions Take Center Stage

COSMIC CALLING WEEK OF JUNE 26TH: Inspired by Rick Rubin’s The Creative Act: A Way of Being




“The act of creation is an attempt to enter a mysterious realm. A longing to transcend. What we create allows us to share glimpses of an inner landscape, one that is beyond our understanding. Art is our portal to the unseen world.”

– Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being

Get ready for a week of heart-to-heart conversations, where emotions take center stage. It’s time to let your feelings flow and speak what you truly feel. Remember, displaying your emotions is a good thing, so don’t hold back! Prepare yourself for some unpredictable and surprising actions this week. It seems that actions may speak louder than words, so speaking from the heart becomes even more important. Just be cautious as this combination might make things a bit accident-prone.

“We are all antennae for creative thought. Some transmissions come on strong, others are more faint. If your antenna isn’t sensitively tuned, you’re likely to lose the data in the noise. Particularly since the signals coming through are often more subtle than the content we collect through sensory awareness. They are energetic more than tactile, intuitively perceived more than consciously recorded.”

– Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being

“How do we pick up on a signal that can neither be heard nor be defined? The answer is not to look for it. Nor do we attempt to predict or analyze our way into it. Instead, we create an open space that allows it. A space so free of the normal overpacked condition of our minds that it functions as a vacuum. Drawing down the ideas that the universe is making available.”

Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being

This week, we might experience a clash of elements with so many planets in water and contrasting fire energy, it’s like having two opposing forces at play. You can either embrace your fiery and bold nature, acting out loud, or surrender to your emotional side and feel all the feels. However balancing both might be a little tricky for now. Water puts out fire, and fire evaporates water. Who would need a more vibrant cosmic interplay of energies to nurture creativity?

In the words of Rick Rubin: “Think of the universe as an eternal creative unfolding. Trees blossom. Cells replicate. Rivers forge new tributaries. The world pulses with productive energy, and everything that exists on this planet is driven by that energy. Every manifestation of this unfolding is doing its own work on behalf of the universe, each in its own way, true to its own creative impulse.”

As Friday approaches, Neptune, the hazy planet, goes into snooze mode for a six-month nap. It’s time for a dreamy intermission. Pay attention to the messages encoded in your dreams during this period. Let those messages guide you on a journey of self-healing from the inside out. Sweet dreams!

“Without the spiritual component, the artist works with a crucial disadvantage. The spiritual world provides a sense of wonder and a degree of open-mindedness not always found within the confines of science. The world of reason can be narrow and filled with dead ends, while a spiritual viewpoint is limitless and invites fantastic possibilities. The unseen world is boundless.”

– Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being

On Saturday, we’ll experience a day of joy and brilliance! The sun and Mercury are locking lips in a cosmic kiss, called cazimi, creating a perfect atmosphere to listen to your intuition and receive some divine insights. Trust those ideas flowing through your mind, for they carry a touch of magic. Let the brilliance within you shine bright like a dazzling summer sun!

“It’s helpful to turn those voices down so you can hear the chimes of the cosmic clock ring, reminding you it’s time. Your time to participate.”

– Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being




Quote from The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin



Awaken Your Creative Fire. Your creativity, pleasure, and sense of fun are ignited. Love is in the air, and the hot summer holds the potential for romance and infatuation. Embrace the thrill and let your emotions flow as you dive into the depths of your artistic pursuits. It’s time to speak from the heart and let your emotions take the center stage. Express what you truly feel, especially when it comes to your family and relatives. This is also an opportune moment to communicate with your roommates if you have any. Loving times lie ahead, so create meaningful rituals at home that enhance your connections and bring joy to your domestic sanctuary.

Early in the week, unpredictable actions and surprises may arise, making actions speak louder than words. Therefore, speaking from the heart becomes even more crucial. Pay attention to your intentions, particularly in matters of love, romance, and shared finances with friends. Stay open to unexpected turns that can spark a burst of creativity and adventure.

As Thursday approaches, the Sun forms a harmonious trine with Saturn. This alignment may bring subconscious matters related to your upbringing to the surface. Take this opportunity to reflect on your journey, cultivate gratitude, and appreciate the foundations that have shaped you. This inner exploration will provide insights that fuel your creative fire. On Friday, Neptune goes retrograde, signaling a dreamy intermission. As Neptune takes a six-month snooze, pay attention to the encoded messages in your dreams. When you wake up the following day, take time to reflect and decode these messages. Finally, on Saturday, the Sun conjuncts Mercury, creating a dazzling cosmic kiss called cazimi. It’s a joyous day to soak in inspiration and gather ideas. Focus on family matters, home projects, and creative expressions that bring you closer to your heart’s desires. Let your inner brilliance shine, illuminating the path to your creative aspirations.

“We’re not playing to win, we’re playing to play. And ultimately, playing is fun. Perfectionism gets in the way of fun. A more skillful goal might be to find comfort in the process. To make and put out successive works with ease.”

― Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being


Image source: pinterest



Unleash your creative prowess, indulge in heartfelt connections, and let your intuition guide you towards brilliance. Your attention and energy are focused on an active home and family life. Embrace the vibrant dynamics within your personal sanctuary, where love and creativity intertwine. Let the fires of passion fuel your domestic endeavors, igniting a sense of warmth and joy that permeates your surroundings. It’s time to speak from the heart and let your emotions be on full display. Express your true feelings, particularly within your neighborhood and immediate environment. Connect deeply with those around you, fostering a sense of belonging and nurturing relationships that bring out the best in you. Unpredictable actions within your home may arise, and your desire for freedom may clash with the need for harmony. This week, you may surprise others by breaking free from conventional routines and embracing your unique self-expression. Embrace the unexpected and let it ignite your creative spark. Spend quality time with those who resonate with your soul. These interactions will provide a solid foundation in the depths of your heart, reminding you of the importance of authentic connections.

On Friday, Neptune goes retrograde, signaling a dreamy intermission. During the next six months, take the perfect opportunity to catch up with friends you haven’t seen in a while. Engage in heartfelt conversations, exchange stories, and dive into the realms of shared dreams and aspirations. These heart-to-heart exchanges will nourish your creativity and deepen your bonds. Finally, on Saturday, the Sun conjuncts Mercury, creating a cosmic kiss called cazimi. It’s a joyous day to immerse yourself in ideas and embrace the brilliance that accompanies them. The Sun and Mercury’s intimate union beckons you to listen to your intuition and receive profound insights. Capture these ideas by writing them down, and embark on a journey of skill development.


“Do what you can with what you have. Nothing more is needed.”

― Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being

Quote from The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin



Dive into heartfelt conversations, and trust in your intuitive sparks.With Mercury in Cancer in the 2nd house, your focus is on money-making and self-worth. It’s time to identify any leaks in your financial realm and strategize on how to patch them up. But remember, it’s not just about earning money—it delves deeper into understanding your true value and worthiness. Mercury, your planetary ruler, moves into Cancer, it’s time to speak from the heart. Let your emotions take center stage and express what you truly feel. Engage in teary-eyed conversations that bring depth and authenticity to your connections. Unpredictable actions and surprises may come your way, and words may pale in comparison to the intensity of your intentions. Watch out for accident-prone behavior, especially when commuting or exploring your neighborhood. Amidst the tumult, keep an eye out for synchronicities that may hold creative insights within them.

Thursday brings a self-esteem boost as the Sun forms a harmonious aspect with Saturn. Celebrate a new milestone in your career journey and recognize the steady progress you’ve made towards your dreams. Each step you take builds the ladder towards your aspirations, so keep forging ahead. On Friday, Neptune goes retrograde, signaling a dreamy intermission in your career

sector. As Neptune enters snooze mode for the next six months, pay attention to the messages encoded in your dreams. They hold insights that can help you fulfill your spiritual calling in this world. Tap into the limitless possibilities within you. Finally, on Saturday, the Sun conjuncts Mercury, creating a cosmic kiss called cazimi. It’s a joyous day filled with ace ideas to boost your income and enhance your self-esteem. This is your moment to shine, so go baby go and unleash your creative brilliance.

“Artists who are able to continually create great works throughout their lives often manage to preserve these childlike qualities. Practicing a way of being that allows you to see the world through uncorrupted, innocent eyes can free you to act in concert with the universe’s timetable.”
― Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being




With the Sun in Cancer shining upon you, it’s your time to soak up the spotlight. But remember, before you can nourish others, make sure to fill your own cup. Prioritise self-care and self-love as you embark on this journey of illumination. On Monday, Mercury, the communicator, moves into your sign. It’s time to speak from the heart, allowing your emotions to take center stage. Embrace vulnerability. By sharing your truth, you have the power to heal not only yourself but also those who hear your heartfelt messages. Beware of the square between Mars and Uranus. Unpredictable actions and surprises may disrupt the harmony. Therefore, speaking from the heart becomes even more important, especially when it comes to friendship and shared finances. Stay true to your intentions and navigate these situations with emotional authenticity.

Thursday brings forth opportunities in publishing or overseas ventures as the Sun in your sign forms a harmonious aspect with Saturn. Put yourself out there for long-term prospects and business alliances. This is your chance to shine on a global scale and expand your horizons. As Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces on Friday, it enters a dreamy snooze mode for the next six months. Pay attention to the messages encoded in your dreams and be open to spiritual epiphanies. Look for synchronicities that guide you in understanding your connections with others. The universe is speaking to you, and it’s time to decode its whispers.Finally, on Saturday, the Sun conjuncts Mercury in your sign, creating a cosmic kiss called cazimi. It’s a joyous day filled with your brilliant ideas that can illuminate people’s lives. Listen to your intuition and allow it to guide you towards profound insights. This is your moment to shine as your words and ideas have the power to inspire and uplift others. Your journey is filled with witty charm, deep emotions, and limitless creativity. Step into the spotlight, and let your nurturing energy light up the world around you.

“We are all antennae for creative thought. Some transmissions come on strong, others are more faint. If your antenna isn’t sensitively tuned, you’re likely to lose the data in the noise. Particularly since the signals coming through are often more subtle than the content we collect through sensory awareness. They are energetic more than tactile, intuitively perceived more than consciously recorded.”

― Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being


Quote from The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin



It’s time to seek a peaceful sanctuary before vibrant Leo season takes center stage. Embrace the mellow vibes and take it slow as you work behind the scenes, nurturing your soul in quiet contemplation. On Monday, Mercury moves into your 12th house, inviting you to delve into the depths of your subconscious. Encode the emotions that rise to the surface, allowing them to guide your creative expressions. Let your imagination roam freely and give voice to the hidden whispers of your heart.

Unpredictable actions and surprises may disrupt the harmony, and actions might speak louder than words. Speaking from the heart becomes crucial, especially when it comes to discussions related to your career. Keep a cool head and navigate these situations with grace and authenticity.

Thursday reveals the power of still waters as the Sun forms a harmonious aspect with Saturn. Much is happening behind the scenes as you prepare yourself for the upcoming Leo season. Take this time to reflect, gather strength, and ensure you’re fully prepared for your grand entrance. As Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces on Friday, it enters a dreamy snooze mode. It’s a time for introspection and contemplating your accumulated resources. Dream big and envision how you can expand your horizons.

Use the next months to build yourself up and lay the foundation for your future triumphs. Finally, on Saturday, the Sun conjuncts Mercury in Cancer, creating a cosmic kiss called cazimi. It’s a joyous day to tap into your inner brilliance through meditation and introspection. Listen to your intuition and allow the light within you to illuminate the path forward. Trust in the wisdom that resides deep within your being. Honor your creative roar, and prepare for the grand entrance that awaits you. Your journey is filled with limitless creative potential.

“The goal is to commit to a structure that can take on a life of its own, instead of creating only one of the mood strikes. Or to start each day with the question of how and when you’re going to work on your art.”

― Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being


Image source: Supreme Rick Rubin Sticker



Your mind is attuned to the subtle currents of emotion that flow through your friendships and connections. It’s a time to embrace heartfelt conversations and let your thoughts and feelings flow freely. Dive deep into the realm of camaraderie and let your circle of friends ignite your creativity and awaken your spirit. It’s time to speak from the heart. Embrace the beauty of emotional expression and share your authentic self with trusted friends. Let your words be a reflection of the deep bonds you cherish. Unpredictable actions and surprises may disrupt your travel plans, so be cautious and avoid accident-prone behavior. Navigate any unexpected twists with a touch of humor and grace.

Thursday brings a harmonious aspect between the Sun and Saturn. If you’re single, a friend may play matchmaker and introduce you to someone more mature. Keep an open mind and embrace the delightful surprises that come your way. As Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces on Friday, it enters a dreamy snooze mode for the next six months. Ex-lovers may resurface, bringing with them valuable lessons of forgiveness and healing. Take this opportunity to release what no longer serves you and open yourself to new, fulfilling connections. On Saturday, the Sun conjuncts Mercury in Cancer, forming a cazimi. It’s a joyous day to bounce ideas off your friends and tap into the brilliance that comes from connecting minds. Embrace the creative synergy and let your collective genius shine.


“When it comes to the creative process, patience is accepting that the majority of the work we do is out of our control.”

― Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being




It’s time to gather your friends and create unforgettable memories. If you’re single, keep your eyes open as sparks may fly through a friend of a friend, leading to a special connection that sets your heart ablaze. On Monday, Mercury moves into your 10th house, urging you to speak from the heart when it comes to your career aspirations. Let your emotions guide you as you explore your true desires and strive for authenticity. Unpredictable actions and surprises regarding a partnership may impact your income, leaving you not with what you expected. Embrace innovative thinking and explore alternative ways to generate abundance. Thursday brings a harmonious aspect between the Sun and Saturn. It’s time to adopt a more mature approach to your daily routines and work. By enhancing your efficiency and finding balance, you can shine bright in your career and achieve your goals.

As Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces on Friday, it’s time to review your health and routines. Reflect on which habits nourish your spiritual well-being and bring you closer to inner harmony. Let go of what no longer serves you and create a sacred space for self-care and healing. On Saturday, the Sun conjuncts Mercury, forming a cazimi. It’s a joyous day to tap into your intuition and embrace the brilliance that comes from within. Trust that the answers you seek regarding your career will come to light. Stay open to new job opportunities and speak your desires into existence.As you gather your friends and navigate unexpected twists, your creative spark will ignite, leading you to a fulfilling path where authenticity and success intertwine.

“Find the sustainable rituals that best support your work.”

― Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being


Photo credit: Rick Rubin & Anthony Kiedis



Your warrior energy is on fire! Embrace your inner powerhouse and make bold moves to conquer the professional world. Let your fierce determination and passion be the driving force behind your success. Meanwhile, Pluto reminds you that slow and steady wins the race. Take mature and calculated steps towards your goals. Trust in the process and know that even the smallest actions can have a profound impact on your journey.

On Monday, Mercury enters Cancer, encouraging you to wear your emotions on your sleeve. Speak your truth and seek answers from the universe. Pay attention to synchronicities, especially during your travels, as they may hold valuable insights and spiritual epiphanies. Unexpected actions and surprises may arise, challenging your partnerships in love or business. Embrace the fiery energy and use it as an opportunity to create something extraordinary together with your partner.

Thursday brings a harmonious aspect between the Sun and Saturn. If you’re single, a romantic encounter during your travels could be truly magical. Engage in water activities and allow your creative juices to flow. Seek inspiration from alternative cultures and let the universe guide your artistic endeavors. And who knows, an exotic lover might just sweep you off your feet! As Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces on Friday, it’s a highly creative period for you. Dive back into the creative projects you put on the back burner. Over the next six months, wrap up your unfinished projects and bid farewell to procrastination. Embrace this opportunity to unleash your artistic brilliance. On Saturday, the Sun will kiss Mercury, forming a cazimi. It’s a joyous day to let the ideas flow regarding international travel. Get inspired by different cultures for your next big project. Allow your emotions from your travels to infuse your creative work and keep it true to your standards. Trust your intuition and embrace the insights that come your way. Unleash your intensity, tap into your creative flow, and let the wanderlust take you on a transformative journey.

“There’s an abundant reservoir of high-quality information in our subconscious, and finding ways to access it can spark new material to draw from.”

― Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being


Quote from The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin




It’s time to give your daily routine a kick of excitement. Discover new rituals that will bring a fresh energy to your day-to-day life. Remember, the secret to success lies in the small, consistent actions you take. On Monday, Mercury enters Cancer, urging you to speak from the heart. Don’t shy away from displaying your emotions, especially in intimate settings. When it comes to your career, trust your instincts and follow your gut. What transformation do you feel is calling you next? Watch out for unpredictable actions and surprises, especially when traveling. Keep an eye out for accident-prone behavior and navigate with caution.

Thursday brings a harmonious trine between the Sun and Saturn. Positive transformation awaits in your home base. You might even receive some unexpected financial support, perhaps from a generous uncle. As Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces on Friday, it’s time to reconnect with your family and relatives whom you haven’t seen in a long time. Embrace this opportunity for family healing and a deeper sense of connection. Let the bonds of love and understanding strengthen.

On Saturday, the Sun kisses Mercury, creating a cazimi. It’s a joyous day to let the ideas flow, especially when it comes to resources shared with others and matters of intimacy. Trust your intuition and embrace the brilliance that comes with it. Listen to your inner voice and gain valuable insights. With creativity and intuition as your guides, navigate through surprises and find inspiration in the connections you share with others.

“Good habits create good art. The way we do anything is the way we do everything. Treat each choice you make, each action you take, each word you speak with skillful care. The goal is to live your life in the service of art.”

― Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being



Quote from The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin



You have the opportunity to master and refine your skills. Saturn, the guiding force, is here to lead you step by step on your journey. Hone your abilities and embrace the process of continuous growth. Pluto, the mega transformer, is back in Capricorn. This signals a time of profound transformation for you. Let go of anything that no longer serves you, even if it means facing darkness at times. Embrace your power to create positive change in your life.

On Monday, Mercury enters Cancer, urging you to speak from the heart. Authentic communication is key in your relationships, both in love and business. Express your true feelings and foster a genuine connection with others. Longevity in partnerships requires open and honest dialogue. Unpredictable actions and surprises may arise, especially in the realm of intimacy. Watch out for accident-prone behavior, but also remember that an intense creative outcome can emerge from healing a hurt ego. Thursday brings a harmonious aspect between the Sun and Saturn. Mature communication and opening up in your relationships can propel you to the next level. Embrace the different phases of life that your loved ones go through, and work together to build lasting connections.

As Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces on Friday, it’s time to heal yourself from the inside out. Pay attention to the messages that come through your dreams and decode their meaning. Seek inspiration and knowledge by taking weekend trips and exploring new environments. On Saturday, the Sun kisses Mercury, creating a cazimi. It’s a joyous day to focus on your relationships. Trust your intuition and listen to the insights that arise. Bring good times and harmony into your one-on-one connections. Navigate surprises and channel them into creative outcomes, by taking time to heal and seek inspiration.

“Thoughts and habits not conducive to the work: Believing you’re not good enough. Feeling you don’t have the energy it takes. Mistaking adopted rules for absolute truths. Not wanting to do the work (laziness). Not taking the work to its highest expression (settling). Having goals so ambitious that you can’t begin. Thinking you can only do your best work in certain conditions. Requiring specific tools or equipment to do the work. Abandoning a project as soon as it gets dicult. Feeling like you need permission to start or move forward. Letting a perceived need for funding, equipment, or support get in the way. Having too many ideas and not knowing where to start. Never finishing projects. Blaming circumstances or other people for interfering with your process. Romanticizing negative behaviors or addictions. Believing a certain mood or state is necessary to do your best work. Prioritizing other activities and responsibilities over your commitment to making art. Distractibility and procrastination. Impatience. Thinking anything that’s out of your control is in your way.”

― Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being




It’s time for you to rebuild your foundations and create a sense of freedom in your life. Embrace change and be open to new ways of establishing stability. Shake things up and let your individuality shine. Slow and steady wins the race, so don’t rush the process. On Monday, Mercury enters Cancer, urging you to speak from the heart. Embrace your emotions and don’t feel bad about being a bit moody at times. Express what you truly feel and allow your authenticity to shine through. Unpredictable actions and surprises may arise, especially in your relationships and family dynamics. Watch out for accident-prone behavior and speak from the heart to navigate any conflicts.

Thursday brings a harmonious aspect between the Sun and Saturn. The secret to improving your income lies in your routine. Explore new habits and find what works for you. Create a plan and implement it to enhance your financial well-being. As Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces on Friday, it’s time to tap into your dreams and visions. Pay attention to the messages that come to you during this period. You may have a vision of creating a new version of yourself with incredible earning potential. Write down your visions and use them as a guide for the next 6 months. On Saturday, the Sun kisses Mercury, creating a cazimi. It’s a joyous day to spark your creativity and generate brilliant ideas. Trust your intuition and listen to the insights that arise. Crack the code of your master routine, staying true to your unique self.


“If the artist is happy with the work they’re creating and the viewer is enlivened by the work they’re experiencing, it doesn’t matter if they see it in the same way.”

― Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being



Image credit: VSCO



Your creative and intuitive powers are amplified. Dive deep into your imagination and let your artistic spirit flow. The universe is whispering its secrets to you, so pay attention and trust your instincts. Explore different areas of knowledge and expand your horizons. Embrace the joy of discovery and let curiosity be your guide. Cultivate self-discipline and establish a solid foundation for your personal growth. Focus on your values and find stability through inner transformation.

On Monday, Mercury enters Cancer, urging you to speak from the heart. Embrace your emotions and express what you truly feel, especially in love, romance, and your artstic endeavors. This is your time to let your creative juices flow and share your unique talents with the world. Unpredictable actions and surprises may arise, particularly during your daily commute. Speak from the heart and set clear intentions to navigate any challenges and maintain a sense of balance.

Thursday brings a harmonious aspect between the Sun and Saturn. Take charge of your creative projects and share them confidently with your audience. In matters of love, you may find yourself more rational and grounded than ever before. As Neptune goes retrograde in your sign on Friday, you shall enter a period of introspection and healing. Pay attention to the messages that come to you in your dreams and let them guide your self-discovery. You hold the key to unraveling the mysteries and abundance that Neptune offers. On Saturday, the Sun and Mercury kiss in your passionate 5th house, creating a cazimi. It’s a joyous day to ignite your ideas and tap into the brilliance of your creative genius. Listen to your intuition and gain insights into infatuation and the enigmatic nature of your next creative project. A 5-star weekend for loving & romancing.

“The magic is not in the analyzing or the understanding. The magic lives in the wonder of what we do not know.”
― Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being


Quote from The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin