Sold in recyclable aluminium tubes with all the paper packaging made using recyclable FSC-certified materials, Elephant’s new range of sustainably packaged paints has already gone a long way towards addressing the problem of single-use plastic employed in art products.
“Elephant is offering customers the option of custom-building their paint sets, ensuring that fewer tubes sit half used and unloved”
The acrylic paints already come in pre-packaged sets of Essentials, Vibrants and Landscape tones, but artists can reduce waste even further by just ordering sets that contain precisely the shades that they want and need. Elephant is offering customers the option of custom-building their paint sets, ensuring that fewer tubes sit half used and unloved, maximising usability and minimising waste.
Take advantage of our free returns policy, which allows customers to return tubes to us for safe and eco-friendly disposal, and Elephant Kiosk’s customers can take a big step along the road to sustainable art.